Events from March 23, 2021 – April 5, 2021 › Training › – Page 5 – Digital Nova Scotia – Leading Digital Industry

Proposal Writing Workshop

The Cape Breton Regional Chamber of Commerce offers free training opportunities sponsored through Labour and Advanced Education and their Workplace Education Initiative. This initiative promotes learning at work and supports the development of your workers by increasing their workplace skills. This course provides the framework for you to produce the proposal that you need to get your idea off the ground. You will be producing your proposal over the ten weeks of the course. Each week will feature an instruction session, but the majority of course time will be devoted to your in-class, hands-on proposal development. You will be finding the funders you need to target, honing and shaping your ideas, writing, editing, and presenting your project in a way that makes its merits shine. By the end of the course, you will be ready to send off your proposal. Learning Outcomes: Identify the different kinds of proposals and the various sources of requests for proposals Understand how to structure an effective proposal and assemble persuasive evidence Learn and practice ways to overcome barriers to writing Explore and practice the persuasive power of plain language Be able to identify and apply universal principles of ethical persuasion Practice how to edit […]

Developing Skills & Self in Response to Conflict

If you’re guiding groups, training teams, leading workshops and events, facilitating conversations…chances are, you’ve encountered uncomfortable tension in the room. And when you’re facilitating, the sudden appearance of tension, disagreement, and conflict can quickly knock you off your seat. What are some options for how to respond when difference (tension, disagreement, conflict) starts to show up in the room? Let’s dive in together! Coming up on March 23rd and 31st, a two-part master class to develop your skills & self in response to conflict. We’d love to have you with us! Register

Growth Stages + Financing Rounds

Join us on Tuesday, Mar. 16 or Wednesday, Mar. 24 for a session on growth stages + financing rounds, led by Toon Nagtegaal. To prepare for equity financing, you need to know what is expected from you and why. As venture capital becomes part of the financing mix, in the upcoming round or the ones after, understanding the inner workings of this specific asset class is crucial. From a distance, the valuation and timing of different equity financing rounds may seem like products from a magic box, however, there is more logic involved than you might think. During these morning sessions (pick your preferred date), this logic is explained and participants will understand how to prepare for the next financing round. Led by Toon Nagtegaal, participants will be able to align their growth stages and execution plans accordingly. Register

The New World of Secure Remote Work

COVID-19 has transformed the way we work and live, and organizations are searching for modern solutions to today’s technology challenges. Businesses today must modernize how and where work gets done, and stay informed about the devices and solutions needed to make that happen. The way we work is changing; working from anywhere has become the new norm and with that brings many benefits and challenges. IT priorities have evolved to enable a remote work environment, but are staff still working in a secure, well-connected environment that allows them to get things done wherever they are? Join us for an insightful virtual session to learn more about productivity and teamwork solutions in Microsoft 365 along with the ways you can leverage the power of Surface devices. In this session, we will cover: How the workplace is changing - Surface and the Modern Workplace How to provision and deploy devices remotely without sacrificing security with Autopilot How to adjust to the new normal of remote work with Microsoft Teams Surface device-as-a-service This session includes a live chat and Q&A with Compugen’s experts, so bring all your questions and get answers! Each attendee will be entered in to win a pair of Surface […]

ShopHERE – Photography for E-Commerce

Online stores have been gaining in popularity as customers look for quick and convenient ways to make purchases when and how they want. That’s become even more true during COVID as people look for more contactless purchases, delivered right to their door – and the competition is fierce! Join Taina Barrionuevo an e-commerce consultant for tips and tricks on Photography for E-Commerce so you can make sure your online store stands out in this busy marketplace. And make sure to join Taina on March 31st for our second webinar on Writing for E-Commerce! Register

Women Entrepreneurship Conference: State of Women Entrepreneurship 2021

An official event of the Women Entrepreneurship Conference; a free, month-long event series, presented by the Women Entrepreneurship Knowledge Hub (WEKH) in partnership with Women Enterprise Organizations of Canada (WEOC). Closing out our month-long conference, we’ll share a first look at the results of WEKH’s annual report, The State of Women Entrepreneurship 2021. This report synthesizes government, academic, and expert research to highlight some of the structural barriers facing diverse women entrepreneurs in Canada and examines how the COVID-19 pandemic affected women. Register

The Right Fit: Identify Your Most Profitable Customers

If business leaders want to rapidly respond to market changes and grow faster, then they must understand their audience. "Who are your "best-fit’ customers?” And, “What really makes them tick, click, and buy?” If you can't answer these questions... you’re in trouble. Join Katelyn Bourgoin for a 3-hour interactive workshop. During this hands-on workshop, you'll complete exercises to help you to zero-in on your ideal customers and create an actionable customer persona to guide your marketing efforts. Who Should Attend Business leaders who "wear many hats" including leading innovation, marketing and strategy Marketers who want to work smarter and convert more leads Salespeople who need more prospects to bite so they can reel them in Meet Your Instructor Katelyn Bourgoin is a 3X founder turned growth strategist and trainer. Named as an influencer by Forbes, Katelyn's past clients include tech startups, small businesses, and Fortune 500 companies like Target and Holiday Inn. Today Katelyn helps frustrated marketers and product teams figure out what triggers their *right fit* customers to buy. When companies know who their best customers are and what those customers really want, it becomes much easier to create awesome products and sell more of them. The result? More […]

ShopHERE – Writing for E-Commerce

Online stores have been gaining in popularity as customers look for quick and convenient ways to make purchases when and how they want. That’s become even more true during COVID as people look for more contactless purchases, delivered right to their door – and the competition is fierce! Join Taina Barrionuevo an e-commerce consultant, for tips and tricks on Writing for E-Commerce so you can make sure your online store stands out in this busy marketplace. Register

Developing Skills & Self in Response to Conflict

If you’re guiding groups, training teams, leading workshops and events, facilitating conversations…chances are, you’ve encountered uncomfortable tension in the room. And when you’re facilitating, the sudden appearance of tension, disagreement, and conflict can quickly knock you off your seat. What are some options for how to respond when difference (tension, disagreement, conflict) starts to show up in the room? Let’s dive in together! Coming up on March 23rd and 31st, a two-part master class to develop your skills & self in response to conflict. We’d love to have you with us! Register

Putting the Social Back into Social Media

Business Support Series  The Business Support Webinar Series will explore timely topics with  industry experts to provide key insights and answers on the best ways to succeed as a business.  Hosted by the Halifax Chamber of Commerce, this series will feature a wide range of topics on how to survive and thrive.    12 Strategies to consider for your social media presence that do not start with sales Nobody wakes up in the morning excited to see your new ad. Not even if it's on Facebook. So if you can't simply put your ads on social media, what's the point? How can a small business use social media to market their products or services if they need to be "social"? Being social can mean different things and there are many social media strategies you can employ that don't involve ads. Join Anita Kirkbride, social media strategist, for a discussion of 12 strategies you can use to find the value in social media marketing when you're a small business. Key Takaways: Content needs to have value to your audience, but value can mean different things. Not every interaction on social media has to be about selling something. If you focus on these other strategies, the sales will follow. Register

Microsoft Excel 2 Workshop

The Cape Breton Regional Chamber of Commerce offers free training opportunities sponsored through Labour and Advanced Education and their Workplace Education Initiative. This initiative promotes learning at work and supports the development of your workers by increasing their workplace skills. This course is for intermediate Excel users who want to expand on their knowledge to effectively build spreadsheets for their company or small business. Learning Outcomes: Advancing charting Working with and customizing functions (Fx) Applying If statements – basic and complex Sorting, filtering, and manipulating data Creating and modifying databases Working with pivot tables and charts Creating macros Register

Navigating the Virtual World

The Cape Breton Regional Chamber of Commerce offers free training opportunities sponsored through Labour and Advanced Education and their Workplace Education Initiative. This initiative promotes learning at work and supports the development of your workers by increasing their workplace skills. During these unprecedented times that we are facing, businesses need to adapt to different ways in order to prosper.  Moving to an online platform can be challenging and daunting but a necessity for now and the future.  Join us for this 10-week course where we will ease your fears and prepare you to ignite your business online. Prepare for the future and take the stress out of the ordinary. Learning Outcomes: Internet safety Computer safety Managing your banking online Online meeting platforms Social media platforms Register