Events from September 13, 2021 – September 29, 2021 › Training › – Page 9 – Digital Nova Scotia – Leading Digital Industry

Basic Computer Skills

The concentration of this program is on word processing and spreadsheet skills. The level of complexity in this program is tailored to the participants and is intended for those who feel they don’t have a strong foundation in computer use in a business environment. By completing the curriculum, program participants will be able to: Navigate the Windows environment Save, open, find & structure files & folders Develop text-based documents using Microsoft Word Plan, build and use spreadsheets using Microsoft Excel REGISTER

Social Media for Business

Those who take this course will leave with a strong understanding as to what to post on Social Media when to post it, how to schedule it to save time, how to design it, and how to read the data to ensure you’re maximizing your efforts. Topics could include: What type of content works with real examples Establishing your brand image (colours/fonts) Graphic design for Social Media using Canva Ad copy – what to write with your posts How to create a content calendar Facebook & Instagram stories REGISTER

Invaluable Sales Lessons to Help You Build Better Relationships With Your Prospects

Relationships are everything in sales, but too many sales reps forget that fact. They also forget that the easiest path to more revenue is more retention - but if you don’t value your prospect, they won’t value you. This webinar shares proven pathways to better, more productive relationships, using steps you can start taking right away. What You’ll Learn: - The keys to building productive relationships you didn’t know existed - How to be proactive by spotting the warning signs of at-risk prospects - What every prospect needs - even if they don’t admit it - The proven formula for establishing trust and credibility in no time REGISTER

Adapting to the No-Office Normal

Information, privacy professional, and frequently offsite consultant Victoria McIntosh invites businesses to learn effective methods for allowing staff to work from home, in-office, or across the country while still protecting information assets. Deployment of remote security management differs from office programs, but the goal remains the same. Security, in-house or offsite, aims for timely access by the right users to accurate information. We want to allow entry to information resources for verified staff while shutting out external threats. For organizations, this means a plan for what staff needs to access, and how they can protect it from where ever they choose to work. About the Presenter Victoria McIntosh, Information and Privacy Professional, and Owner of Information in Bloom Management Services Victoria McIntosh is an information and privacy professional in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Holding a Masters in Library and Information Science, she puts the pieces together. Certified as an IAPP Information Privacy Technologist, Victoria brings privacy expertise to operations. She is keen on foundational privacy and security practices, enjoying opportunities to discuss and educate others with conversations, presentations, and material development. Presently, Victoria operates under her freelance consulting firm: Information in Bloom Management Services. REGISTER

Link Building Strategy Workshop

Your website needs the clout of other sites to win the attention of Google (just like in real life) Before you buy a product or a service, you look at reviews, right? You might even ask a friend about their experience to get an idea if you should buy or not. That’s how search engines feel about your website, too! Google wants to see that your website is *linked* with big websites that show your content is relevant and amazing. If you don’t have other sites confirming your content is great... Google won't prioritize it when your dream customers come searching for information. Fact: There’s only 10 lily pad spots on Google’s first page, and it’s reserved for those froggies with the right kind of clout. So... are you ready to leap towards page 1 with me? I’m Alison K, and my workshop will teach you the right way to build links (and lasting brand relationships) that will slingshot your content from ‘unknown’ to ‘household’. REGISTER

tech{LAB} Graphic Design

Topic: Canva Basics During this workshop, you’ll learn the basics of Canva, a free online graphic design software! We will walk through the different features of Canva, and by the end of the workshop, you’ll be ready to create your own graphic design! Before attending the workshop, please create your own Canva account. You can sign up for an account here: What is tech{LAB}? tech{LAB} is a FREE workshop that allows participants to get hands-on with new technology! These workshops are for anyone ages 8 and up who have an interest in technology, prototyping, or electronics. Bring a laptop if you have one! These workshops are run on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month, from 3 PM-4 PM. What Happens at tech{LAB}? Spend the first half-hour of each workshop going over the technical information on the topic. Take what you’ve just learned and apply it! Whether it’s designing a 3D print, working in groups to develop circuits for a Micro-Bit, or creating digital graphics! REGISTER

The No BS Social Media Blueprint Workshop

​A free-to-join 5-day program for small business owners ready to ideate, create, and implement a social media strategy that allows them to show up authentically and with purpose. It’s time to UNDERcomplicate your social media marketing strategy. I’m here to show you the strategies I’ve developed over the past decade of running a social media consultancy so you can master your marketing by showing up with authority and connecting with your audience. REGISTER

Rural Women in the Tech Sector: A Free Workshop Series

In today's world, the internet is forever changing, we now have access to information at our fingertips. This change in the ability to gather information, has created a demand that industries are having trouble keeping up with. Thus it has become a high growth industry, always looking for talented individuals at multiple levels. However, this industry is lacking diversity with the main focus on women. With a growing industry there can be challenges, but also some sweet benefits. These can include remote work opportunities, livable wages, flexible work hours, and great benefits package. Designed for women in Southwest Nova Scotia, the workshop will begin the week of September 20, 2021 and will be held via Zoom twice a week (Tuesdays and Wednesdays) for three weeks from 4:30pm - 6:30pm. REGISTER NOW  

QT Care – Financial Health Webinar 1 : Planning & Building your wealth


QueerTech and Hao Wu Financial Solutions Inc. under the SunLife banner are excited to bring you a series of webinars to help you make informed financial decisions and build wealth to achieve your various goals in life. In this first Webinar we are going to talk about : How to organize your personal finances to save more, grow your wealth, and to meet your unique financial goals. How does your personal situation (single, couple, common-law, married) affect your financial planning, with specifics to the LGBTQ2+ community. How to effectively use registered accounts, including RRSP, TFSA & RESP What does a financial planner do and how a professional can help you with your finances. The presentation is 40mins and we have 15 mins of Q&A time. Bring your questions and ask the speakers directly.

SEO Basics Workshop

Want more customers to visit your website... but know nothing about creating SEO content? Yep. You’ve heard of Search Engine Optimization. Probably read a few blogs, and maybe even watched a few webinars. You even have been trying to write blog posts. But you’re frustrated and confused. Because no matter what you do, you just can’t seem to get on Google’s good side. Your website isn’t showing up on Google and bringing you the onslaught of customers you were promised by Underdog4371 on YouTube and you don’t get it. WELL—I’ve got the secret sauce that most small business owners have no idea about. REGISTER

The SuperPower of Employee Engagement During COVID


Business Support Series The Business Support Webinar Series will explore timely topics with  industry experts to provide key insights and answers on the best ways to succeed as a business.  Hosted by the Halifax Chamber of Commerce, this series will feature a wide range of topics on how to survive and thrive. The difference between a business thriving or simply surviving lies in the energy the team brings to its day-to-day challenges. This webinar shares practical and powerful actions leaders can take to support their teams so they can flourish personally and fulfill the business' vision, even in the toughest of times. Speaking to the uncompromising individual who wants to attain passionate engagement and tap into their superpower. Employee engagement has been proven to impact productivity (20-40% increases), innovation (triple the number of ideas) and double-digit increases in profitability. Key takeaways from this webinar: The proven "recipe" to achieve passion at work 5 Critical Leadership Practices during COVID Easy-to-apply, Science-based Engagement Model

Dementia Friendly Ambassador: Community and Service Based Organizations


Through the help of the Nova Scotia Age Friendly Communities Program, Person Centred Universe, in partnership with The Halifax Chamber of Commerce we are proud to announce the second installment of the Dementia Friendly Business Ambassador program. This was made possible through the participation and feedback of businesses and ambassadors in the Halifax area with our pilot project. We have now been able to take that information and have created three streamlined half-day courses to better suit the needs of organizations looking to better serve individuals who are living with dementia. Participants will have an opportunity to choose between our three streams: Dementia Friendly Ambassador: Community and Service Based Organizations, Dementia Friendly Ambassador: Hospitality, and Dementia Friendly Ambassador: Retail; to choose the offering that best suits their organizational needs. If applicable, participants are welcome to participate in any or all streams if they so choose. In these half-day sessions, ambassadors will have the opportunity to explore topics such as: providing dementia-friendly service, creating supportive environments and atmospheres, and general knowledge on dementia and best practices for their sector; which build off of the fundamentals acquired within the pilot program. The interactive nature of these online sessions will allow participants to […]