Events from May 28, 2020 – June 4, 2020 – Page 23 – Digital Nova Scotia – Leading Digital Industry

Navigating COVID-19: Content Strategy in the New Economy

The approach to sharing your organization’s story has changed significantly. In the midst of a pandemic, you need to be thinking about how and where your organization should be showing up and content opportunities and considerations. Join NATIONAL’s Kristie Forbes and Jill Hartlen for strategic guidance on this topic, including an outline of how to effectively engage with your audiences and what you should be thinking about as we embark on this ‘new normal’ for our businesses. ABOUT THE PRESENTERS: Kristie Forbes, Senior Consultant Kristie excels at uncovering powerful insights, telling great stories and helping brands connect with their consumers in meaningful ways. A marketing professional with both agency and corporate marketing experience across various industries, including multi-national quick service restaurants, telecommunications, consumer-packaged goods and public sector organizations, Kristie has been proud to support brands such as McDonald’s Canada, Nestle Canada, GlaxoSmithKline, Eastlink, Nova Scotia Liquor Corporation, and the IWK Foundation. She is a recipient of Marketing Magazine’s prestigious Top 30 Under 30 Award for her marketing leadership. Jill Hartlen, Senior Strategist  Jill has been advising clients on smart, creative strategies in Canada and abroad for over ten years. With a unique blend of experience across healthcare, consumer, business and government […]

Navigating COVID-19: Change Management for the New World

Change is certain. Buy-in isn’t. Creating buy-in is difficult work. Organizations that are good at change are able to quickly align people around new ways of doing things in response to opportunities or threats. Those that master it build resilience and an enduring competitive advantage. In this webinar you will: Understand change management best practice and their role in it Gain experience applying best practice in a no-risk environment Be ready to use this knowledge and skills to support future change at the organization Apply change best practice, theories, approaches, and principles to their diverse business situations Build and develop stakeholder buy-in through application of tools and techniques Register Now

Coping with COVID-19: Employment Contracts 101

Join McInnes Cooper Labour and Employment Lawyers Jack Graham, Q.C. and Alex Warshick as they discuss best practices and pitfalls in drafting employment contracts, managing employees’ expectations, and avoiding risks as the world begins its transition to a post-COVID-19 order. In this session, our lawyers will review the value of probationary periods, properly drafted termination clauses, non-competition and non-solicitation clauses, and lay-off provisions, and discuss how to amend employment agreements. They will also reserve time for an open floor discussion where they can address your questions and concerns. Register Now

Social Media Decisions that Work Every Time!

This FREE 5-day learning event will teach you the most effective way to develop your social media strategy so you can show up with authority and connect with your audience. Learn how to make decisions about your social media that work for you... EVERY SINGLE TIME. Find your audience. Choose your priorities. Create a consistent presence. All actionable. No fluff. You'll walk away with a solid blueprint for your social media. ________________________________________________________________________________________ Anita Kirkbride, owner and Head Twirp at Twirp Communications, is a highly sought after social media consultant and speaker who helps small business owners and entrepreneurs leverage their social media. She is Halifax's leader in social media training and consulting, founder of Social Media Day Halifax, and the pioneer behind Responsible Scheduling -- guidelines that help clients make the most of their social content without overwhelming or ignoring their audience. For over a decade, Anita has been helping businesses and agencies improve their social skills and manage their own social media marketing through social media consultations, strategy development, training, and audits. She’s also been a featured speaker at a variety of industry conferences and business events including Atlantic Internet Marketing Conference, Blog Jam, PodCamp and the Centre for Women in Business. Register […]

Preparing to Reopen Cape Breton: Products and Services

As part of the Cape Breton Partnership’s Helping Businesses Respond During COVID-19 webinar series, the next session is scheduled for Tuesday, June 2, 2020. The Preparing to Reopen Cape Breton: Products and Services session will explore the products and services available locally to help Cape Breton businesses prepare to reopen, as well as those to consider once they are open again. Webinar details are below: • Topic: Preparing to Reopen Cape Breton: Products and Services • Subject matter experts: o Danielle Johnston, City Print + o Curtis Dolhanty, ServiceMaster Cape Breton • Date: Tuesday, June 2, 2020 • Time: 2 p.m. The session will be capped at 100 participants, however, the webinar will be recorded and shared on the Cape Breton Partnership website and social media channels to ensure the information is accessible to all. In an effort to support Cape Breton – Unama’ki businesses during the COVID-19 global pandemic, the Cape Breton Partnership is hosting Helping Businesses Respond During COVID-19, a webinar series on topics identified by our business community. The Cape Breton Partnership is planning additional sessions in the coming weeks on a variety of topics. Future webinar sessions will be shared once details are confirmed. Register Now

ACENET: Parallel Computing School

This school is normally done in-person over 3.5 days. We have converted it to an online format that will take place twice a week for two hours eachover the course of six weeks, as follows: 2 June, 2:00-4pm Atlantic 4 June, 2:00-4pm Atlantic 9 June, 2:00-4pm Atlantic 11 June, 2:00-4pm Atlantic 16 June, 2:00-4pm Atlantic 18 June, 2:00-4pm Atlantic 23 June, 2:00-4pm Atlantic 25 June, 2:00-4pm Atlantic 30 June, 2:00-4pm Atlantic 2 July, 2:00-4pm Atlantic 7 July, 2:00-4pm Atlantic 9 July, 2:00-4pm Atlantic The school seeks to educate participants in some tools and techniques used in high-performance computing and scientific computation. Topics will include general parallel computing, Dask, Machine Learning by example, OpenMP, GPGPU, and Message Passing Interface (MPI). Each two-hour session will include a lecture and learning exercises. Participants will be provided take-home exercises to prepare for the next session. These will be oriented to those learners seeking a more advanced experience. There will be online office hours between each session so participants can ask questions about the content or the exercises. The course is aimed at researchers and innovators, both academic and industrial. The background expected is typically that of a graduate student, although both advanced undergraduates and […]

Navigating COVID-19: Bring About What You Think About with Eddie Lemoine

Using the Pandemic to your Advantage Based on Eddie's best-selling book of the same name, this webinar is life-changing and always a hit with audience members. Many people will look back at this time of social distancing as a gift, a time to hit the reset button. Eddie will share ways to leverage this time to achieve goals in both your personal and professional life. Participants are guided through a path to help them understand how changing the way they think can have a profound impact on their future. You will discover that by focusing your attention and your emotions in the right direction, you will come out of this pandemic stronger and happier. Webinar participants will discover: The one statement that can change the direction of your life The role your emotions play on your success (especially during this time of COVID-19) The three steps to setting goals that stick Two ways to accelerate your success You will leave this session feeling energized and enthusiastic about your future. Register Now

Remote Selling with Empathy

In this webinar, the founder of Base Over Apex, Paul Watts, will address the appropriate way to be selling right now (whether you are an essential service or not). He will talk about the current climate, recognizing how our attitudes are affected by the stresses that we are all under right now and understanding that now, more so than ever before, is a time for us to be building our emotional intelligence muscles. He will discuss the importance of checking in with your customers during these challenging times (and we mean really checking in) and how to build a cadence of communication (cell, text, social and virtual). Also covered in this webinar is the importance of being visible, valuable and remaining connected on social media right now and how to protect your brand and that of your organization. What will be covered in the webinar: Current Climate Being Mindful of your Attitude Build Your Emotional Intelligence Muscle Really Checking-In with your colleagues, customers and prospects Building a cadence of communication Social Media is your friend and foe. Visible, Valuable and Connected Next Steps SPEAKER: PAUL WATTS CSL, CSP, CSE, SCPS In his 20+ Years B2B Sales and Sales Management experience, Paul received numerous […]

Mental Health & Productivity: Working in Today’s World

There is no doubt that times are challenging , not just for organizations but for people. As some organizations prepare to reopen there is a new layer of uncertainly that can cause stress being added to employees. To address this, Barrington OPS Is taking a different approach to our weekly webinar. We’ve partnered with Sue Mercer, a Mental Health specialist, to discuss the current situation, what it means for our mental health, how we can take care of ourselves and how we can help each other. Register Now

Is UX Certification right for you?

Is UX certification right for you? Find out at our live online interactive session. UX alliance certification is internationally recognized, competitively priced, and flexible. We offer three levels of remote user experience (UX) Certification - Adoption, Execution and Leadership. Adoption covers the fundamentals, explaining what UX and human centered design is all about, and how to apply it. Execution focuses on how to integrate UX and HCD into your projects, from strategy through to evaluation. Leadership is geared to the manager or senior UX practitioner who leads a team, wants to do design thinking and service design, and wants to build a strong team and great products/services. Sign up to join Alasdair Stuart-Bell from Jumping Elephants on June 3rd for a free 60 minute Lunch & Learn/Webinar to hear about UX, the UX alliance certification, and if it is right for you. About the presenter: Alasdair is the Lead of the Human Centered Research and Design practice at Jumping Elephants, a small, but mighty, consulting firm located in Ottawa. After completing a B.A. in Political Science at McGill and an MBA at Dalhousie, he started working at the Department of Foreign Affairs in 1999. Since that time he has designed […]

Reactivating your Business Safely Webinar

The Strait Area Chamber of Commerce and Cape Breton Partnership are partnering to offer a webinar to help businesses understand what they need to do in order to keep their staff, customers and themselves safe during the reopening of the Nova Scotia economy. Speakers: - Don Martell, owner and operator of Strait Area Safety Services - Marc Andre LaVoie, leader and founder of Risk Marcker Incorporated Presenters will provide details on Occupational Health & Safety legislation and how it applies during COVID-19, the roles and responsibilities of employers, give you examples of innovative ways you can address the challenge in your workplace, leave you with a greater understanding of how COVID can spread and be better prepared to act on preventative measures. The session will be capped at 100 participants, however, the webinar will be recorded and shared on the Cape Breton Partnership website and social media channels to ensure the information is accessible to all. Register Now

Design Thinking for Artificial Intelligence + Machine Learning

Design Thinking for Artificial Intelligence + Machine Learning Online Workshop This event will be held on two dates: Thu, June 4, 12:30 PM - 4:00 PM ADT Wed, June 10, 9:30 AM - 1:00 PM ADT   This highly interactive and hands-on workshop offers a deep dive into AI, machine learning, and other emerging technologies targeted at leaders responsible for creating disruptive new digital products & services. The program is intended for those with or without a strong background in machine learning, AI, and related technologies – no technical expertise is assumed. Participants can expect to walk away with a comprehensive understanding of how AI and machine learning work, as core technologies and a wide range of applications, including recommendation engines, personalization, predictive analytics, conversational/voice interfaces, and process automation. An overview of ethical or responsible AI frameworks will wrap up the workshop, to ensure that participants are equipped with the skills to think about how data bias, training scenarios and other factors can impact outcomes. Problem reframing methods, confusion matrices, error recovery optimization frameworks, and AI-focused ideation methods will all be introduced throughout the workshop. If you are a part of an underrepresented group and would like to attend this […]