Events from January 19, 2021 – February 11, 2021 › Training › – Page 2 – Digital Nova Scotia – Leading Digital Industry

Leading Through Change

Leading Through Change is a series filled with thought leadership, inspiration, and insights from business leaders and our greater community. You’ll learn about keeping customers and employees engaged from home, going digital to better meet demand, and how Customer 360 helps companies stay connected. And a special musical performance often closes the show. Sign up to learn how you can move your business forward. Register

Business Support Series: Communicate to Connect

Business Support Series The Business Support Webinar Series will explore timely topics with  industry experts to provide key insights and answers on the best ways to succeed as a business.  Hosted by the Halifax Chamber of Commerce, this series will feature a wide range of topics on how to survive and thrive. Communicate to Connect: How to Build Relationships Through The Power of Writing The new normal of business development looks rather old-fashioned. We’ve gone back to the days before air travel connected us with prospects and potential funders from around the globe. Now, we’re depending once again on writing as the main tool to “get the word out" about innovative products and services. In this interactive webinar, you’ll learn tips that will help your business thrive in the post-COVID-19 world. You’ll learn how to: Make the mental shift from explaining science to engaging readers Connect with your target audience in language that resonates with them Build trust one writing goal at a time Craft a prospecting email that sparks a conversation Register

Leading Through Change

Leading Through Change is a series filled with thought leadership, inspiration, and insights from business leaders and our greater community. You’ll learn about keeping customers and employees engaged from home, going digital to better meet demand, and how Customer 360 helps companies stay connected. And a special musical performance often closes the show. Sign up to learn how you can move your business forward. Register

Selling Through Storytelling: Webinar

Join Erin Trafford, digital content strategist, as she guides you through her tried and true exercises for selling through story. Learn to use your content to better understand your Ideal Customer Avatar. Identify key stories in order to impact your sales and revenue, learn how to make content more appealing to today’s savvy digital consumer, and pick up actionable tips for what to do to activate your sales without feeling ‘salesy’. Takeaways from this session: Which types of stories to tell your customer Tips for gaining customer insights through your content Content funnel basics Register About Erin Trafford Erin Trafford is an award winning journalist, consultant, and strategist. She holds an Hon B.A. from the University of Toronto and an MA., Journalism from Western University. Erin has successfully coached dozens of content creators and digital entrepreneurs across North America to launch, grow and scale their businesses through strategic use of content. Erin acts as a coach and consultant for entrepreneurs and businesses seeking to enhance their understanding of content and how to leverage it to increase conversions and generate brand awareness, credibility, and revenue. Erin uses a breakthrough visibility program to help clients at all phases of growth develop and […]

Feeding a Growing World Sustainably

Feeding a Growing World Sustainably - Module 1 of  the Exploring Opportunities in Ocean Tech for Young Women Program The Centre for Ocean Ventures and Entrepreneurship (COVE) in partnership with the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development – Nova Scotia, Ignite Labs, Dalhousie University’s Emera IDEAhub and DeepSense, and with support from IBM Canada and Engineers Nova Scotia, is thrilled to announce the launch of a program aimed at engaging young women in the region’s burgeoning ocean tech industry. Exploring Opportunities in Ocean Tech for Young Women is an extracurricular program being offered across the province to youth in grades 10-12 as part of a strategy to attract more under-represented groups to the marine industry. Featuring a monthly speaker series, mentoring program, and hands-on design-thinking workshop, this program will be led by women, for young women. Exploring Opportunities in Ocean Tech for Young Women connects young women in the Western, Northern & Central Nova Scotia regions to female role models in the ocean tech industry to build their awareness of the many applications of engineering across the industry, develop their understanding of what engineering is and how it contributes to innovation across the broad industry. Through the program, students will gain awareness of the skills required and develop pathways to engineering […]

Business Support Series: The Bridge Beyond Binary

Business Support Series The Business Support Webinar Series will explore timely topics with  industry experts to provide key insights and answers on the best ways to succeed as a business.  Hosted by the Halifax Chamber of Commerce, this series will feature a wide range of topics on how to survive and thrive. The Bridge Beyond Binary: A 2021 bias check to enhance your business practice, service delivery and even make you a better human! Is your knowledge around gender identity limiting your ability to inspire welcoming and inclusive space for all your customers, suppliers and employees? Is your gap in knowledge hurting your business and limiting your professional success? Do you have the tools and confidence to implement intentional, beyond binary practices that will elevate your leadership skills; shifting your service delivery beyond inclusion theatre? Join Cynthia Sweeney, Consultant and Educator with Simply Good Form for an engaging hour unpacking the barriers and biases embedded in our society around gender identity and sexual orientation. In the words of Maya Angelou, 'People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.' We're about bridging uncomfortable conversations and empowering you with the tools needed to become more confident […]

Texting for Business Enforcement Actions on the Rise – Is Your Compliance Program Ready?

A webinar presented by Global Relay and Titan Regulation & Advisory Texting for business is on the rise – and so are enforcement actions. How can regulated firms satisfy their communication requirements without neglecting their compliance obligations? How can they successfully conduct business through text messaging, while effectively managing employee conduct risks? Join Global Relay experts and Titan Regulation & Advisory’s Julie Dixon, Founder & CEO, and Marc Leiding, Principal Consultant, as they take a close look at:  Rules & regulations involving record retention Recent enforcement actions for failing to preserve text messages The state of eComm tools in the current WFH/COVID-19 environment Compliance & Policy refinement strategies when introducing new eComm tools How a compliant text archiving service works (with live product demo) Register

Crisis Management, IT Disruptions and Business Continuity: The Big Picture

Join Dentons Canada LLP, Everbridge and the David Aplin Group on Thursday, February 4th from 12:00pm - 1:00pm EST to discuss the unique and evolving cybersecurity threat landscape in Canada. Cyber risk threatens not only your organization’s reputation and bottom line, but in some cases its very existence. That is why cyber risk is now top priority on every organization’s risk register. Learn what you need to know as a manager, board member or senior level executive in this continuously evolving area of risk management. What your team should do with respect to your company’s preparedness and action plan and in addition what are your top priorities when a cyber risk event occurs. Topics we will cover include: Canada’s evolving cybersecurity threat landscape Top considerations on planning procedures for seamless rapid response Protecting privilege and addressing regulatory risk How COVID-19 has changed the nature and frequency of cyberattacks Managing cybersecurity threats in a work from home environment during the pandemic Lessons learned Projections for 2021 Register

Business Intelligence Basics: Webinar

This 90-minute session with Dan MacLeod from Dunvegan Loyalty Builders is for businesses that need to use data to make decisions. As a group we will discuss the difficulties of accessing, linking, and reporting from all of your sources of data. There will be a demonstration of the speed and functionality of the Power Tools that Microsoft has built into Excel and Power BI (Business Intelligence) Desktop. The Power Tools are used to build Interactive Reports from scratch. Interactive Reports offer a shorter, straighter pathway to improve the efficiency and accuracy of your business. The best part is that Excel is on most computers, and experienced staff can quickly learn to use the Power Tools that are free in many of the current versions of Excel. Power BI Desktop is available as a free version that is very robust and suitable for most businesses, plus a subscription version for very large users. Participants will learn about: Powerful tools built into Excel What can be accomplished with the free version of Microsoft BI Desktop How to construct a Pivot Table to view data and drill down into the details How data can be placed on an interactive map; view your results […]

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: The Untapped Labour Market

The Halifax Chamber of Commerce is hosting a panel of experts to speak on the hiring opportunities in the untapped labour market. The untapped labour market includes people from the Black, African-Nova Scotian, Indigenous, immigrant, and persons with disabilities communities. The Accessing a Skilled Workforce Task Force has been focusing on labour market shortages, the skilled workforce and retention of our students, and thus would like to give our business community the opportunity to learn how to access underrepresented groups in their employee search, the skills, and talents they bring and why ensuring diversity, equity and inclusion matters in all workplaces. Moderated by NSCC President, Don, Bureaux, this group of experts will each speak to their perspective regarding the underutilization of those in the untapped labour market. Register

DemoCamp 2021

No PowerPoints. No Judges. No Prizes. Just straight exposure. DemoCamp is an annual event for the Atlantic Canadian startup ecosystem to come together and showcase their innovative technologies to their peers, while reaching potential new customers or investors, as well as the rest of the community. Founders from Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, PEI, Newfoundland and Labrador are invited to explain what their tech is, how it works, why it is helpful and more, but must do so without a PowerPoint presentation or any other type of slide deck. This makes the presentations more focused on the technology being demonstrated. This year’s DemoCamp event will take place virtually via video conference. Each participant will have five minutes to present their product or service to a virtual audience– but must do so without a PowerPoint presentation, or any other type of slide deck. Attendees will be encouraged to give feedback and ask any questions using the chat function. A set amount of time will be available for questions from the audience. Participants must apply to present their tech using the form below by Sunday, January 24 at 11:59pm. Those selected to demonstrate their technologies will be notified shortly after applications close. We […]

Market Research & Resources

As an entrepreneur, you know how fast your business environment can change. Keeping up with market research and staying up to date on available resources often takes a back seat to the day-to-day work or managing your business.  Market Research & Resources gives you the knowledge to more easily and quickly navigate the necessary research. Market Research & Resources introduces you to secondary research methods and the resources at your disposal.  The online workshop is hosted by the Halifax Regional Library and ACOA Business Information Services. Guide your way with valuable market insights by registering for Market Research & Resources today! In this workshop you will: Evaluate and review national and local marketing examples Learn research tips by experiences guest speakers from Halifax Public Libraries and Canada Business Network Learn to access free analytical data networks curated by the Canada Business Network Explore strategies for discovering what external resources are available to entrepreneurs, and how to access them Register