Past Events from May 25, 2020 – June 9, 2020 › Training › – Page 16 – Digital Nova Scotia – Leading Digital Industry

Your Web Strategy: Leveraging Google Analytics and SEO for Business Growth

Did you know, DNS members with less than 50 employees could access this training program for free? Have more than 50 employees? No worries, you could attend for 50% off! Google Analytics and SEO are household names, but before you dive into them you need to have your website strategy ready! With a fully developed web strategy, you’ll be able to measure the success of your efforts in copywriting and design choices, information architecture, user experience, accessibility, social media and digital marketing efforts and sales/awareness growth. After this program, you’ll walk away with a 12-month web strategy and know how to effectively implement Google Analytics and SEO into your web presence to drive growth and sales. We’ll be leveraging a peer-to-peer support network through an interactive slack channel, where participants can ask each other questions and provide support for one another. This immersive program will also include 5 hours on 1-1 consultation time outside of workshop hours that will allow you to gain guidance and support beyond the classroom as you apply what you have learned. Workshop #1: Website Strategy Development (2 Sessions on May 25 & May 27, 2020) Group workshop sessions from 9:30am - 12:30pm Learn to articulate […]

You Had me at Hello. How to network like a pro by simplifying your message

As an entrepreneur , we are constantly promoting ourselves. At networking functions, around a table ( pre-pandemic), on print and online. Sometimes we only have a short amount of time or space to get our message out to make that first great impression where the other person says “You had me at Hello” Often times we get nervous or we are not sure what to say. Your messaging sometimes gets muddy with features and details that don’t speak to the person you are talking to. They can’t relate or they don’t buy in to your product or service. You haven’t given them a reason yet! How you interact with people for the first time and how you network can be the difference from doing ok financially in your business to rocking it . Your message needs to be clear so the person you are talking doesn’t get confused by what you do but rather gets excited about it. In this session we will talk about how to narrow the focus of your message, how to create that compelling offer, and what are best practices for follow-up. Register Now

All The Difficult Things

(THAT HAPPEN IN MOST MEETINGS)...AND HOW TO DEAL WITH THEM They interrupt. They won’t join in. The monologuer is doing it again. Something feels tense. There’s a power struggle. Oh, no...not this again… We’ll never get through the agenda at this rate. And it goes on from there. We’re sure you can relate. Gatherings of people are complex because people are complex, and when we get together in groups, the complexity of our relationships, personalities and agendas is laid out bare for all to see (except, usually, ourselves). Add technology, a bit of uncertainty, and a dash of emotion, and YIKES, we are off to the races! The good news is, the typical struggles you experience when leading or facilitating a group are totally normal, and utterly commonplace. What’s more, there is a pattern in the chaos of all the difficult things that often happen in meetings. Which means there’s lots of simple adaptations we can make to bounce back, soothe the nerves, and get things back on track to keep everyone rolling. Come join us for a lifting of the hood where we’ll take a good, clear look at the common difficulties meeting facilitators are always juggling, and how […]

Building a Financial Blueprint to Navigate Through a Crisis

Having a cash flow plan for your business brings calmness in times of crisis. By calculating the financial runway of your business you will be able to make financial decisions from a place of control rather than from fear. During this 12 hour program participants will design a financial blueprint for their business that will give them the steps that they can take to make sure that they have a strong business during and after the financial crisis. Please note, only Nova Scotia businesses qualify for this program.  6 Week Session Group 1 May 27, 2020 1pm-3pm June 3, 2020 1pm-3pm June 10, 2020 1pm-3pm June 17, 2002 1pm-3pm June 24, 2020 1pm-3pm  NOTE - no class on Canada Day, July 1, 2020 July 8, 2020 1pm-3pm APRIL STROINK, BComm, RHU, EPC, PFP April is a certified Profit First Professional, she trains SMEs on how to design financial systems within their businesses to become more profitable. April is a facilitator for the Department of Labour and Advanced Education and an Associate Professor at NSCC. She has helped hundreds of people and small businesses level-up their finances through her workshops, group programs, and one-on-one coaching. In her previous life, April managed […]

Navigating COVID-19: Mindfulness For Mental Health

The global pandemic has generated greater need and attention for Mental Health/Wealth. Practicing mindfulness means focusing in the ‘present’ rather than reliving the past or worrying about the future. Let Mindfulness give you a ‘Present’! For decades ‘soft skills’ haven’t got the respect and consideration it deserves in business or society. It has been an after thought or perhaps when we have the time to think about it. The current pandemic has created an urgency to rethink and shift focus on soft skills both for leaders and teams NOW. Many of you know, as an adult I have consciously and joyfully devoted over three decades to practicing, researching, and implementing Mindfulness. I have experienced incredible benefits of Mindfulness in every aspect of my life and those I have worked with over the last 15 years. Let Mindfulness boost your mental health and wealth! You’ll learn: What is Mindfulness Some of the benefits of mindfulness What is in it for you Practicing Mindfulness NOW Managing stress or improving total well-being aren't enough of an incentive for you? Scientists have discovered that mindfulness techniques help improve physical, emotional, and mental health. Did you know creativity, productivity, and innovation comes from our mind? […]

Social Media Decisions that Work Every Time!

This FREE 5-day learning event will teach you the most effective way to develop your social media strategy so you can show up with authority and connect with your audience. Learn how to make decisions about your social media that work for you... EVERY SINGLE TIME. Find your audience. Choose your priorities. Create a consistent presence. All actionable. No fluff. You'll walk away with a solid blueprint for your social media. ________________________________________________________________________________________ Anita Kirkbride, owner and Head Twirp at Twirp Communications, is a highly sought after social media consultant and speaker who helps small business owners and entrepreneurs leverage their social media. She is Halifax's leader in social media training and consulting, founder of Social Media Day Halifax, and the pioneer behind Responsible Scheduling -- guidelines that help clients make the most of their social content without overwhelming or ignoring their audience. For over a decade, Anita has been helping businesses and agencies improve their social skills and manage their own social media marketing through social media consultations, strategy development, training, and audits. She’s also been a featured speaker at a variety of industry conferences and business events including Atlantic Internet Marketing Conference, Blog Jam, PodCamp and the Centre for Women in Business. Register […]

ACENET: Parallel Computing School

This school is normally done in-person over 3.5 days. We have converted it to an online format that will take place twice a week for two hours eachover the course of six weeks, as follows: 2 June, 2:00-4pm Atlantic 4 June, 2:00-4pm Atlantic 9 June, 2:00-4pm Atlantic 11 June, 2:00-4pm Atlantic 16 June, 2:00-4pm Atlantic 18 June, 2:00-4pm Atlantic 23 June, 2:00-4pm Atlantic 25 June, 2:00-4pm Atlantic 30 June, 2:00-4pm Atlantic 2 July, 2:00-4pm Atlantic 7 July, 2:00-4pm Atlantic 9 July, 2:00-4pm Atlantic The school seeks to educate participants in some tools and techniques used in high-performance computing and scientific computation. Topics will include general parallel computing, Dask, Machine Learning by example, OpenMP, GPGPU, and Message Passing Interface (MPI). Each two-hour session will include a lecture and learning exercises. Participants will be provided take-home exercises to prepare for the next session. These will be oriented to those learners seeking a more advanced experience. There will be online office hours between each session so participants can ask questions about the content or the exercises. The course is aimed at researchers and innovators, both academic and industrial. The background expected is typically that of a graduate student, although both advanced undergraduates and […]

Is UX Certification right for you?

Is UX certification right for you? Find out at our live online interactive session. UX alliance certification is internationally recognized, competitively priced, and flexible. We offer three levels of remote user experience (UX) Certification - Adoption, Execution and Leadership. Adoption covers the fundamentals, explaining what UX and human centered design is all about, and how to apply it. Execution focuses on how to integrate UX and HCD into your projects, from strategy through to evaluation. Leadership is geared to the manager or senior UX practitioner who leads a team, wants to do design thinking and service design, and wants to build a strong team and great products/services. Sign up to join Alasdair Stuart-Bell from Jumping Elephants on June 3rd for a free 60 minute Lunch & Learn/Webinar to hear about UX, the UX alliance certification, and if it is right for you. About the presenter: Alasdair is the Lead of the Human Centered Research and Design practice at Jumping Elephants, a small, but mighty, consulting firm located in Ottawa. After completing a B.A. in Political Science at McGill and an MBA at Dalhousie, he started working at the Department of Foreign Affairs in 1999. Since that time he has designed […]

Winning in a Crisis

Alastair Campbell’s frontline experience as Tony Blair’s chief spokesperson and strategist during 9/11 and the war in Iraq has made him an expert in communicating and leading during a crisis. In his bestseller, Winners and How They Succeed, Alastair examines winning tactics and other insights that have made him a sought-after strategic advisor in all sectors. You’ll leave this session with tips from Alastair your company can use right away. Register Now

Bulletproofing your Business for the Future

The best leadership strategies to take your company to the top tier Most owners and executives can relate to these statements: > It’s easier to do stuff on your own versus stopping and training others how to do it properly. > You may know where you want to be in a couple of years but don’t have a real road map to get there. > You have spent the past few years building the business, and now you're in protection mode versus growth mode. > All roads lead to a select few in the company, creating a bottleneck. Learn from Dave Mattson, best-selling author and sales and management thought leader, and gain access to the information that will help you make your organization run like a well-oiled machine. Register Now

How To Make The Best Of Your Livestream

As the world is changing during these last few weeks, reaching people virtually has become the norm. Gary will touch base on a few hardware pieces and software programs that can help you achieve a high quality live stream and/or pre recorded musical performance, podcast, speech, announcements etc. Register Now

Social Selling Success (Optional free workshop)

How to Use LinkedIn to Fill Your Pipeline Now is a great time to rethink and evolve your social media sales strategy. Mike Montague, Sandler’s Global Head of Content and author of "LinkedIn the Sandler Way," will dive into his effective methods for utilizing social media, specifically LinkedIn, to add more people, opportunities, and information to your sales pipeline. Learn how to prospect from the comfort of home. Looking for a break instead of this workshop? No worries. Take a leisurely break, eat, stretch, move around, check your emails, take out the dog, and mentally prepare for the second half of the summit. Either way, you've got 45 minutes before it's time to focus on sales strategies. Register Now