Events from March 11, 2025 – September 4, 2019 – Page 9 – Digital Nova Scotia – Leading Digital Industry

WEBINAR | The Legal Case for Supporting Gender Diversity @ Work


WEBINAR | The Legal Case for Supporting Gender Diversity @ Work The current labour crunch is only strengthening the business case for building a workplace that’s welcoming to diverse employee pools – including gender-diverse employees. But there’s also a legal case for employers to do so – and legal consequences for employers that fail to meet those obligations. Why do employers have a legal obligations to create a safe and healthy workplace for gender diverse employees? What steps can employers take to support a gender-inclusive workplace - and fulfill their legal obligations? How can failure to do so lead to legal liability for employers? Join McInnes Cooper Labour & Employment Lawyers Amanda Nash and Brittany Keating for an invitation-only virtual roundtable conversation, led by your questions, about the legal case for you to support gender diversity in your workplace. WHEN: Thursday, June 23, 2022 TIME: 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. AST | 11:30 p.m. - 12:30 p.m. NST  

Mount Saint Vincent Alumni Association Annual General Meeting (Hybrid)

McCain Centre Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Mount Saint Vincent Alumni Association Annual General Meeting (Hybrid) Monday, June 20, 2022 @ 5:30 pm McCain Centre, Room 105, MSVU Campus Recognition Dinner to follow Registration required. If you have any additional questions about the event, please email  

Future-proofing Your Trademark Strategy


Topic: Future-proofing Your Trademark Strategy Description: Given rapid growth and increased competition within the technology and digital innovation sector, adopting a trademark for your organization can feel like walking into a minefield. Having the foundation of a carefully executed trademark strategy can elevate your brand, prevent misuse by others, and become a valuable marketing tool in navigating the increasingly crowded world of trademarks. Whether you are intending to keep it local or have a view to global expansion, developing an understanding for what a trademark is, best practices for choosing and protecting your trademark, and what you can do to reduce your risk of inadvertently stepping on others’ toes, are vital for any organization. Join us for a 60 minute talk with industry thought leaders from McCarthy Tétrault and Swift Medical where through case studies and examples we will look at: Selecting a trademark that can be protected How to manage your risk of trademark infringement Devising a trademark strategy for current and future business goals Lessons learned in setting brand direction Presenters: Vincent Yip, Partner, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Amy Fong, Counsel, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Jon Tower Akerman, VP Marketing, Swift Medical Time: Jun 21, 2022 10:00 AM in Vancouver

Destination Development – Northern Region Tourism Seminar

IGNITE Atlantic - New Glasgow 352 E River Rd, New Glasgow, Nova Scotia

Learn about the local tourism industry and work with others to create travel packages and experiences in Northern Nova Scotia! About this event Ignite Atlantic in partnership with Destination Eastern & Northumberland Shores, Tourism Industry Association of Nova Scotia, and Tourism Nova Scotia are hosting a Destination Development Northern Region Tourism Seminar! Participants will work collaboratively with other business owners and tourism industry experts to create and promote travel packages and experiences in Northern Nova Scotia. Each group will have an opportunity to pitch their travel package for a chance to win prizes! Lunch is provided. In this workshop, we will share: Insights about traveler preferences from tourism Nova Scotia's market research Best practices for creating and delivering new programs or experiences Marketing tactics to grow business In this workshop, you will:  Hear from Guest Speakers Learn about Business Development Opportunities in the Northern Region Network with Business Owners & Tourism Industry Experts Presenters include: Cindy MacKinnon, Managing Director at Coastal Nova Scotia Erin Hume, Tourism Development Advisor at Tourism Nova Scotia Lisa Dahr, Tourism Industry Association of Nova Scotia Adam & Amanda Langley, A. Langley Developments & Superyacht East Coast  

Exploring Opportunities in Agricultural Technology

Jenkins Hall 40 Horseshoe Crescent, Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada

About this event In partnership with Dalhousie Agricultural Campus, IGNITE Atlantic is hosting this workshop to support and encourage the discussion surrounding automation in the agriculture industry. The event will take place at Dalhousie's Jenkins Hall. Founded in 1905, Dalhousie's Agricultural Campus stands at the threshold of a new era in agricultural education, training and research. This event will introduce Dalhousie's new SmartFarm program. What you can expect: 10:00am - 10:10am: IGNITE Introduction 10:10am - 10:30am: Dalhousie SmartFarm Introduction 10:30am - 11:30am: AgTech Solution Panel (Moderated by Dal AC) An opportunity for diverse stakeholders to discuss the possibilities and challenges in adopting automation technology in Atlantic Canada. 11:30am - 12:15pm: Lunch & Networking Enjoy a barbeque lunch catered by Chartwells. 12:15pm - 1:00pm: Open Discussion Participants will be separated into groups of 5-8 people to discuss what’s next for automation in farming, and how these projects can be supported and funded. 1:00pm: Wrap up and next steps  

Secrets to Getting the Most out of HubSpot


About this event Regardless of the complexity of your HubSpot instance, there’s one thing Ali and her team hear more than anything else: “We know we should be getting more out of HubSpot, but (insert reason why here).” Whether it’s lack of time, know-how, poor strategy, or a lack of understanding how the modules work together at the various starter/pro/enterprise levels, this is a common challenge for organizations of all sizes. But it doesn’t have to be. In this presentation, Ali will discuss: Common obstacles that HubSpot admins, users, and teams face Tips and strategies for overcoming these challenges Best practices to prevent issues in your HubSpot instance down the road Simple hacks that will help you get more out of the platform Plus, Ali will give you a sneak peek into how she and her team have used video to drive their own leads through HubSpot and nearly 1M views on YouTube! Speaker Ali Schwanke Ali Schwanke is the founder of Simple Strat, a platinum HubSpot Solutions partner and cohost of the popular YouTube series "HubSpot Hacks". She's a go-to expert in B2B marketing strategy and content, and a well-known expert on all things HubSpot. She and her team […]

Technation Annual General Meeting 2022

Microsoft Offices 81 Bay St, Toronto, Nova Scotia, Canada

Join us for TECHNATION’S first in-person event in two years at Microsoft’s NEW Offices! We are hosting our annual Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Wednesday, June 22nd, 5:00 – 7:00 the new Microsoft Offices (81 Bay Street at CIBC Square). As Canada moves up the global list of Innovation Nations (*16th) this year, TECHNATION’s AGM will celebrate the influence Canada’s Digital Marketplace National Partners have accomplished to support Canada’s Innovation and prosperity across the nation. In just two short years, driving Canada’s Innovation and Tech Adoption with the backing of TECHNATION members like you has produced irrefutable results: Small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) and under-represented tech businesses now have better and direct access to government contracting opportunities There’s an increase in the diversity of bidders Canada’s public sector now has greater visibility into the innovative tech solutions on offer across the country Please join us and our panelists in person to hear from our DM National Partners (Big Tech) and our Members and Innovators (Scale-Ups & SMEs) on the importance of this strategic priority. Finally – Don’t Miss Out! We will topping off the AGM with cocktails, networking and a ‘Tech2Scale-UP / SME’ meet-up session! LIMITED SEATING AVAILABLE Wednesday, […]

Halihax June Event: A Discussion on Career Growth

Garrison Brewing Company 1149 Marginal Road, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Join us June 22nd at Garrison Brewing Company for an evening focused on career growth About this event Navigating career decisions is difficult, and planning your career is almost impossible. At this month’s Halihax event, we have three great speakers discussing the key soft skills and things you need to consider to grow your career, whether entering management or continuing as an individual contributor (where you're not managing people). We'll hear from our speakers on the common situation of having to choose between management and a technical role beyond senior individual contributor, and specifically how those critical soft skills play a huge role. We'll walk through best practices for new managers, what it looks like to step into management (and lessons learned along the way!), and how to navigate the commonly fuzzy nature of growing into a Staff+ role. This event will be hosted at Seaport Garrison Brewing Company with snacks and refreshments provided by Halihax, and our sponsors. Our Speakers Jennie Sanford Head of HR @ Fellow Jennie has been working in Human Resources for more than 13 years in companies of 27 to 40,000 people. She focused the last 4 years of her career working in tech startups […]


LUNCHEON: Keeping the Momentum Growing – The Road to 2 Million

Lord Nelson Hotel 1515 South Park St, Halifax, Nova Scotia

Keynote with Minister of Labour, Skills and Immigration, Jill Balser With a population of over one million people, Nova Scotia is growing quickly. The goal? To reach two million people by 2060. The Province of Nova Scotia wants to be strategic in this growth to build on the momentum we've been experiencing since 2015 provincewide, particularly here in Halifax. Leading the effort is Minister of Labour, Skills and Immigration, Jill Balser. On June 23, please join us for a lunch and learn to learn more about how the Province is working to grow the population, attract the skilled workers we need most, address labour shortages, and make sure people feel welcome and stay. Reaching the goal of two million will take a team effort, come find out how your business can benefit and be part of the team. Presented by: Minister of Labour, Skills, and Immigration Jill Balser The Honourable Jill Balser was born and raised in Digby. She earned a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Biology from the University of New Brunswick Saint John and a postgraduate diploma in Sport and Event Marketing from George Brown College. She is working toward completing her Master's Degree in Community Development. Minister […]

Supplier Diversity in Atlantic Canada: Expert Panel


We are witnessing unprecedented disruptions in supply chains around the globe and Canada is not an exception. Almost all sectors are diligently focusing on innovation, security, nearshoring and yes, even diversity and inclusion, creating new opportunities for women-owned businesses to grow and succeed. To be clear: they need YOU and your innovative solutions now more than ever before! This is why WBE Canada is partnering with the Centre for Women in Business to host a virtual webinar focusing on supplier diversity in Atlantic Canada and how women-owned businesses can navigate through these procurement opportunities and help shape companies in the post-pandemic economy. Join us to learn… Real life examples from corporate and government supply chains with commitment to supplier diversity Actionable tips and recommendations to help your business land more deals with big brands Your questions answered Date: June 23, 2022 Time: 2:00 – 3:30 pm AT | 1:00 – 2:30 pm ET Format: online – Zoom Claim your FREE seat and be part of the growing success of supplier diversity! REGISTER HERE! For more information: Registration:

STEM Connector @ the PIER

The PIER 1209 Marginal Rd, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Join STEM Connector to network, celebrate our rebranding, and learn about the free flash mentorship program through DeepSense and Surge. About this event After two years of online meetings, let's re-connect in person! Join local students and industry professionals in the first STEM Connector networking event. Take time to make new connections, grow your network, and refresh yourself with local treats as we celebrate the rebranding of STEM Connector, formerly known as the DeepSense X SURGE Industry Mentorship Program. The event kicks off at 4pmADT and runs till 6pmADT, drop in at any point during that time for networking and refreshments. STEM Connector Program STEM Connector is a free program that uses a flash mentorship model to provide short-term but meaningful connections with mentors to work on specific skills in your field. STEM Connector is run through the MentorCity online platform, where you can choose your own mentor for short-term mentorship, schedule meeting times, chat and collaborate with people across the STEM spectrum. If you haven’t already, make sure you sign up for STEM Connector today: Location The PIER is a sector-focused living lab for port innovation, planning and strategy established by the Halifax Port Authority. Located at the […]