Events from April 8, 2021 – April 15, 2021 – Page 53 – Digital Nova Scotia – Leading Digital Industry

Fostering a More Diverse and Inclusive Workforce

Elite business cultures thrive when all employees feel respected, included, and a sense of belonging. Creating a more inclusive organization increases productivity, retention, performance, and attracts a stronger and more diverse talent pool. Why now? Your future organization depends on it. Join Veronica Utton and David Osborne of Predictive Success and begin the journey towards building an inclusive, safe culture of belonging.   Veronica Utton, Managing Director & Facilitator of Predictive Success Veronica is a seasoned talent management professional who is a specialist in Diversity and Inclusions. Her clients rave about how Veronica is able to instill others to change their behaviours towards a more diverse and inclusive workplace. Veronica is a former VP HR for UNICEF Canada where she led a team to dramatic success creating a diverse and inclusive workplace way ahead of her time. Veronica is also a former Professor at Seneca College where she taught Human Resources for several years to emerging leaders. Veronica is known to be a challenger of the status quo, with an ability to influence and create practices that are people-centric—to ultimately foster and celebrate diverse and inclusive workplaces. David Osborne, Vice President of Predictive Success David W. Osborne is the Vice […]

The Data Behind Shopping Local

Business Support Series The Business Support Webinar Series will explore timely topics with  industry experts to provide key insights and answers on the best ways to succeed as a business.  Hosted by the Halifax Chamber of Commerce, this series will feature a wide range of topics on how to survive and thrive. THE DATA BEHIND SHOPPING LOCAL: ARE WE REALLY SUPPORTING LOCAL BUSINESS AS MUCH AS WE THINK WE ARE? Join Margaret Brigley and Margaret Chapman from Narrative Research to explore the data behind what shopping local truly means. While supporting and shopping local is a widespread concept, they will present data that challenges popular opinion and answers the question of whether or not Atlantic Canadians are actually putting their money where their mouths are. Register today and submit a question in advance! Register

Creating Content to Engage Customers on Social Media

Join Tourism Nova Scotia, Digital Nova Scotia and Ingrid Deon, owner of word-craft, for an interactive session on creating engaging content for your social media channels. Ingrid will share some simple tips to get you started writing content for Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. This webinar is relevant to tourism businesses and organizations interested in engaging more with their loyal customers and learning how to curate content to expand their reach to new customers. Learn how to create a content plan that will help guide you on when, where and what to post. Tourism Nova Scotia is offering a Spring Tune-up series of webinars each week in April with a lineup of fantastic presenters who will help you freshen up your business and get ready for the peak tourism season. Register

AI-driven IGT Technologies: Augmented Reality for Therapy Delivery

In this lecture Nissan Elimelech, Founder and CEO of Augmedics, will provide an overview of the current state of artificial intelligence (AI) in image-guided therapy with a special focus on combining AI and augmented reality (AR) to advance image-guided surgery. Nissan will discuss key points in starting a company and commercializing a technology in the AR and surgical navigation space, drawing reference to his experience in founding Augmedics, a Chicago-based company that is currently developing the first AR navigation technology to be used in surgery, allowing surgeons to see the patient’s anatomy through skin and tissues. Topics will include the role of AI in image-guided surgery and surgical navigation, current and potential AR applications and technological developments in image-guided surgery, and potential commercialization gaps, challenges and rewards. ​ This webinar will be presented in English. A recording will be available with English and French subtitles. Register

The No BS Social Media Blueprint Workshop

A free-to-join 5-day program for small business owners ready to ideate, create, and implement a social media strategy that allows them to show up authentically and with purpose. Right now, you want to: Find an audience online and really connect with them. Determine your social posting priorities and focus in on what’s important. Create a consistent presence so your audience knows what to expect and looks forward to hearing from you. But you’re struggling with feelings of overwhelm, uncertainty, and a general confusion about where to show up and how often. It’s time to UNDERcomplicate your social media marketing strategy. I’m here to show you the strategies I’ve developed over the past decade of running a social media consultancy so you can master your marketing by showing up with authority and connecting with your audience. Here's what we'll cover in our time together: Day 1: How to Find Your Audience Online Day 2: Choosing Your Social Media Strategy Day 3: Overcoming Perfectionism to #BeFlawsome Day 4: Create a Consistent Plan Day 5: The Answers to All Your Social Media Questions Ready to take your social media to the next level? The No BS Social Media Blueprint is the most effective way […]

Practical Projects for Business Today

Business Support Series The Business Support Webinar Series will explore timely topics with  industry experts to provide key insights and answers on the best ways to succeed as a business.  Hosted by the Halifax Chamber of Commerce, this series will feature a wide range of topics on how to survive and thrive. Join Cynthia and the Halifax Chamber to learn how to focus on delivering practical projects that reflect your business strategy. We'll discuss project management tools and easy best practices. Cynthia will also share techniques and demonstrate tools to empower your teams and encourage them to work together. Finally, understand how to avoid situations where your business leaders might feel they are spinning their wheels on projects that never end. KEY TAKEAWAYS: Tips and tricks to successfully delivering projects in today's business environment. Discuss how business teams can prioritize and focus on delivering a corporate strategy together. Discuss key documents and why they support successful project deliveries. Introduce Encore, a project solution for both managers, project leaders and project teams. Demonstrate the points 1, 2 and 3 using ENCORE, a 360 project tool that empowers the project team at all levels. Putting a stop to projects that seem to never end. Register today and submit your question! […]

Setup for Success: Improving Pathways for Talent Retention

Digital Nova Scotia and Saint Mary's University are extending an invitation to professionals working in the tech sector for a roundtable discussion on our joint research initiative, Setup for Success. As part of this ongoing research project, we recently conducted an industry survey to learn more about current onboarding practices within the tech sector and will be presenting our findings during this virtual roundtable. By joining us for this discussion, you will be helping to validate our research on the current onboarding practices in the tech sector and shaping and directing the creation of a future tool that will support the development of onboarding programs in the industry. We hope to see you there! Who should attend? This roundtable is designed for professionals currently working in the tech sector who have experience being onboarded but do not make hiring decisions or onboard new team members in their current role. Register

Media Relations for Startups

Join Volta and Peter Moreira for a one hour workshop on April 13, 2021 at 12pm ADT to learn about media relations for startups. Dealing with the media can be daunting, confusing – but ultimately rewarding for startups. This seminar will teach you how to write a press release and identify which publications to target for your news and updates. We’ll also discuss how to build relationships with journalists and publications to help promote your startup, and we’ll look at some common mistakes founders make and tips on avoiding them to help elevate your startup Register

Building a Financial Blueprint

The Cape Breton Regional Chamber of Commerce offers free training opportunities sponsored through Labour and Advanced Education and their Workplace Education Initiative. This initiative promotes learning at work and supports the development of your workers by increasing their workplace skills. The outcome of this training is for businesses to create a blueprint to manage financial risk within their organizations. This blueprint will guide owners and managers in making deliberate decisions inside their business based on prudent cash flow management. Learning Outcomes: Understanding your financial why and how to calculate it How to calculate your cash flow runway (outflows) How to calculate your cash flow (inflows) How to maintain and increase value Understanding how to use financing to mitigate risk in your business How to maximize debt planning opportunities while minimizing risk How to talk to a lender Value-based pricing for profit Creation of the Financial Blueprint Register

What’s Coming Up at the College of Continuing Education

Join the Dalhousie College of Continuing Education as they walk you through what you need to know for their courses in the Winter and Spring terms. If you're a current, new or prospective student, we welcome you! Members of our team will be covering such topics as: Available courses Steps on how to register Discounts and special offers The benefit of learning at CCE Register

Peering into the Deep – Ocean Observation and Conservation

Peering into the Deep - Module 4 of  the Exploring Opportunities in Ocean Tech for Young Women Program The Centre for Ocean Ventures and Entrepreneurship (COVE) in partnership with the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development – Nova Scotia, Ignite Labs, Dalhousie University’s Emera IDEAhub and DeepSense, and with support from IBM Canada and Engineers Nova Scotia, is thrilled to announce the launch of a program aimed at engaging young women in the region’s burgeoning ocean tech industry. Exploring Opportunities in Ocean Tech for Young Women is an extracurricular program being offered across the province to youth in grades 10-12 as part of a strategy to attract more under-represented groups to the marine industry. Featuring a monthly speaker series, mentoring program, and hands-on design-thinking workshop, this program will be led by women, for young women. Exploring Opportunities in Ocean Tech for Young Women connects young women in the Western, Northern & Central Nova Scotia regions to female role models in the ocean tech industry to build their awareness of the many applications of engineering across the industry, develop their understanding of what engineering is and how it contributes to innovation across the broad industry. Through the program, students will gain awareness of the skills required and develop pathways to engineering and […]

Accessing International Talent & Immigration Resources in 2021

During this session, you will hear from Mary-Jo McKay from the Nova Scotia Office of Immigration and Population Growth and Al Tek from Halifax Partnership’s Labour Market Team. There will be an overview of the various provincial immigration streams for accessing international talent for your company, with a focus on the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) and the Atlantic Immigration Pilot (AIP). At the end of the presentation, there will be a Q&A period to answer any of your questions. Al Tek, Account Executive, Atlantic Immigration Pilot Halifax Partnership Al Tek is focused on building awareness of the Atlantic Immigration Pilot with a goal to identify and connect employers looking to fill labour gaps with experts in Nova Scotia’s Office of Immigration. Al brings diverse experience in the public, private, education and tech sectors and a focus on relationship building to his role. What excites Al most about Halifax is the continued growth of Halifax’s population, businesses, and the advancements in innovation in the city he calls home. Al holds a Bachelor of Computer Science degree from Dalhousie University and a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) from Laval University, Quebec. Mary-Jo MacKay, Manager, External Relations Nova Scotia Office of Immigration and […]