Events from March 5, 2025 – September 4, 2019 › Training › – Digital Nova Scotia – Leading Digital Industry

Introductory Programming in R

St. Francis Xavier University

This in-person only session will start with basic R syntax and the R Studio notebook interface. Then, we’ll teach you how to import CSV files, the structure of data frames, how to deal with factors, how to add/remove rows and columns, how to create functions with R, loops with R, how to calculate summary statistics from a data frame, and a brief introduction to plotting. The last lesson demonstrates how to run R programs using command-line interfaces, which will be useful in the domain of high-performance computing. The principles, techniques, and examples covered in the workshop are applicable to a wide variety of research areas including sciences, arts, and business. No previous experience with digital tools or programming is required for this workshop. DETAILS & REGISTER

Introductory Programming in R

St. Francis Xavier University

This in-person only session will start with basic R syntax and the R Studio notebook interface. Then, we’ll teach you how to import CSV files, the structure of data frames, how to deal with factors, how to add/remove rows and columns, how to create functions with R, loops with R, how to calculate summary statistics from a data frame, and a brief introduction to plotting. The last lesson demonstrates how to run R programs using command-line interfaces, which will be useful in the domain of high-performance computing. The principles, techniques, and examples covered in the workshop are applicable to a wide variety of research areas including sciences, arts, and business. No previous experience with digital tools or programming is required for this workshop. DETAILS & REGISTER

Introductory Programming: Unix Shell, Git and Python

This is a beginner level series that is hands-on, covering the fundamentals of Unix Shell, Version Control with Git and Python. This includes data types, conditional statements, loops and functions, as well as program design, version control, data management, and task automation. Participants will be encouraged to help one another and to apply what they have learned to their own research problems. The goal is to teach the practical knowledge needed to start programming, debugging and using Python in everyday tasks. Prerequisites: no previous knowledge of the tools that will be presented, nor previous programming experience, but intermediate level experience with a computer is highly recommended. DETAILS & REGISTER

Basics of Computers

Most of us have experience using a computer, whether for school, work, or entertainment, but how many of us have actually had an expert teach us how to use it? This talk won't teach you how to troubleshoot everything, but will give you insight to how media, programs and data are encoded and used by computers, so you can make more sense of why computers behave the ways they do, and solve some of your problems with greater efficiency and less frustration. We will provide an approachable overview of how a computer works, by both looking at their history and breaking one down to explain individual components, before highlighting some of the trade-offs to consider when buying a computer. We will provide practical, simple, and actionable advice on digital security and show you a few "pro tips" on how to make the most of your workstation, phone, or whatever device you happen to use. Whether you have a lot or a little experience using your digital technology, if you want to learn how to use your devices more effectively, this workshop is for you! DETAILS & REGISTER

Introduction to High Performance Computing (HPC)

What is High Performance Computing (HPC) and what can it do for me? How can ACENET help? Used by researchers across many disciplines to tackle analyses too large or complex for a desktop, or to achieve improved efficiency over a desktop, this session takes participants through the preliminary stages of learning about high performance computing (HPC) and computing clusters, and how to get started with this type of computing. It then reviews software packages available for applications, data analysis, software development and compiling code. Finally, participants will be introduced to the concept of parallel computing to achieve much faster results in analysis. This session is designed for those with no prior experience n HPC, and are looking for an introduction and overview. DETAILS & REGISTER

Introduction to Linux

Linux is the terminal interface used to enable you to use supercomputing clusters from your desktop. It's the tool you need to get your data on the clusters, run your programs, and get your data back. In this session, learn how to create and navigate directories for your data, load files, manage your storage, run programs on the compute clusters, and set file permissions. This workshop is designed for those with no prior experience in working with a terminal interface. DETAILS & REGISTER

Introductory Programming: Unix Shell, Git and Python

This is a beginner level series that is hands-on, covering the fundamentals of Unix Shell, Version Control with Git and Python. This includes data types, conditional statements, loops and functions, as well as program design, version control, data management, and task automation. Participants will be encouraged to help one another and to apply what they have learned to their own research problems. The goal is to teach the practical knowledge needed to start programming, debugging and using Python in everyday tasks. Prerequisites: no previous knowledge of the tools that will be presented, nor previous programming experience, but intermediate level experience with a computer is highly recommended. DETAILS & REGISTER

Introduction to Shell Scripting

Shell scripting helps you save time, automate file management tasks, and better use the power of Linux. This session teaches you how to name, locate and set permissions for executable files, taking input and producing output. You will learn about job scripts, shell variables and looping commands. Prerequisite: completion of ACENET Basic Series Introduction to Linux, or previous experience with Linux. DETAILS & REGISTER

Job Scheduling with Slurm

The national systems use a job scheduler called “Slurm”. In this session you will learn how Slurm works and how it allocates jobs, helping you to: minimize wait time by framing reasonable requests; ask for only the resources you need to improve efficiency; increase throughput; run more jobs simultaneously; and troubleshoot and address crashes. This workshop is designed for new HPC users, or for experienced users either transitioning to Slurm or seeking to improve efficiency with the scheduler. Prerequisites: completion of Introduction to Linux and Introduction to Shell Scripting, or prior experience with both. DETAILS & REGISTER

Overview of Parallel Computing

Parallel computing is the business of breaking a large problem into tens, hundreds, or even thousands of smaller problems which can then be solved at the same time using a cluster of computers, or supercomputer. It can reduce processing time to a fraction of what it would be on a desktop or workstation, or enable you to tackle larger, more complex problems. It’s widely used in big data mining, AI, time-critical simulations, and advanced graphics such as augmented or virtual reality. It’s used in fields as diverse as genetics, biotech, GIS, computational fluid dynamics, medical imaging, drug discovery, and agriculture. Prerequisites: comfort in using the command line, able to understand a shell script and make simple edits to it, and knowledge of at least one programming language enough to be able to write a simple program. DETAILS & REGISTER

Introductory Programming: Unix Shell, Git and Python

This is a beginner level series that is hands-on, covering the fundamentals of Unix Shell, Version Control with Git and Python. This includes data types, conditional statements, loops and functions, as well as program design, version control, data management, and task automation. Participants will be encouraged to help one another and to apply what they have learned to their own research problems. The goal is to teach the practical knowledge needed to start programming, debugging and using Python in everyday tasks. Prerequisites: no previous knowledge of the tools that will be presented, nor previous programming experience, but intermediate level experience with a computer is highly recommended. DETAILS & REGISTER

Overview of Parallel Computing

Parallel computing is the business of breaking a large problem into tens, hundreds, or even thousands of smaller problems which can then be solved at the same time using a cluster of computers, or supercomputer. It can reduce processing time to a fraction of what it would be on a desktop or workstation, or enable you to tackle larger, more complex problems. It’s widely used in big data mining, AI, time-critical simulations, and advanced graphics such as augmented or virtual reality. It’s used in fields as diverse as genetics, biotech, GIS, computational fluid dynamics, medical imaging, drug discovery, and agriculture. Prerequisites: comfort in using the command line, able to understand a shell script and make simple edits to it, and knowledge of at least one programming language enough to be able to write a simple program. DETAILS & REGISTER