Events from March 6, 2025 – September 4, 2019 › Programs › – Digital Nova Scotia – Leading Digital Industry

Marketing Strategy Writing Program Halifax: Marketing Strategies SUCK.

This is Marketing 99 Portland Street, Unit 208, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

It’s not just you. It’s true, 9 out of 10 dentists hate marketing strategies* Try a new way with 20 year marketing professional Neil in Downtown Dartmouth. Communicating is very expensive. If you’re serious about communicating effectively, then you know it’s a serious investment. So why can’t we get serious about our marketing strategies? Because they suck. (did we mention this?) Here’s 3 reasons why they suck 1: So much uncertainty. Where to start. What to include. What to leave out. How much to invest... 2: Too much time. If we know where to start, how do we find the time 3: They kill creativity. Tell your unique story within these character limits. Ugh. We know. And we can help. This program includes:   Reusable Fully Customized Take Home Marketing Strategy Template   Customized Marketing Strategy (or a clear 1st draft depending on scale)   Expert Advice throughout with 30 day and 90 day follow-up   Lights, cameras + content creation time in studio   Convenient FRI / SAT / SUN scheduling for fuller focus   3-Day Catered In Person, Downtown Dartmouth Course Itinerary What you will learn in the course Day 1 Learn the building blocks of a marketing […]