Creating and maintaining a great organizational culture can be key to a business’s success. When workplace culture aligns with your team or potential team members, they will feel more comfortable, supported and valued. Companies with healthy cultures are more likely to experience revenue growth, better recruitment + retention of employees, and improved team performance.
Join Volta + Jennie Sanford, Head of Operations at Proposify, on Wednesday, May 26 at 4:00 pm ADT to learn how Proposify has created and fosters organizational culture, and talk about how you can too.
Facilitator: Jennie Sanford
Jennie is the Head of Operations at Proposify, a Halifax-based SAAS company that helps create beautiful proposals and close more deals. Jennie oversees HR, compliance, and resource implementation for the company.
Before working at Proposify, Jennie graduated from Dalhousie (Science) and NSCC (Human Resources). She has worked her way through various HR roles for the past 13 years and has become a Certified Human Resources Leader.