FAQ – Digital Nova Scotia – Leading Digital Industry

Frequently Asked Questions


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What is the eligibility to participate in the Tourism Digital Assistance Program?

TDAP is open to Nova Scotia tourism businesses that are listed on https://www.novascotia.com and are currently open or plan to open for the 2024 tourism season.

Businesses must demonstrate a need to update a component of their online presence and that they are able to implement the identified goals and outcomes by March 31, 2025.  Applicants must be registered with the Tourism Accommodation Registry (if applicable).  Applicants with overdue program reporting/deliverables with DNS or TNS will not be eligible.

Priority will be given to tourism businesses and organizations whose primary focus is attracting and servicing visitors. Priority is given to first time applicants.

TNS and DNS are committed to advancing equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility (EDIA) in Nova Scotia, and we support partners who share in this commitment. We will prioritize applications from businesses and organizations that are owned or operated by equity-seeking groups or that include activities that help give a voice to these communities.

How is Equity, Diversity and Inclusion factored into the approval of program participants?

TNS and DNS are committed to advancing equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility (EDIA) in Nova Scotia, and we support partners who share in this commitment. We will prioritize applications from organizations that are operated by equity-seeking groups or that include activities that help give a voice to these communities. For example, preference will be given to applications from Mi’kmaw and African Nova Scotian businesses and organizations.

For TDAP and TDAP – Communities, we will take steps to ensure that equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility (EDIA) considerations are incorporated into our evaluation process. Our scoring rubric includes a dedicated section that factors in EDIA. This addition will help us evaluate and prioritize applications. By integrating EDIA into our scoring rubric, we aim to foster a more inclusive and equitable program selection process.

What services can I receive through the Tourism Digital Assistance Program?

Businesses will receive up to $5,000 including HST in consulting services from qualified digital service providers to help improve their online marketing. Click on each eligible service for more in-depth information to help you identify your digital needs:

Why are photo/video services under the Tourism Digital Assistance Program capped at $2,500 while other types of services can be up to $5,000?

Photography and videography services may enhance digital projects supported by the program such as website development and social media content development. These services help participants ensure their projects are successful, but developing visual content is not the focus for this program and therefore the funds available for these services is capped.

Approved participants are encouraged to register for TNS’s Photo/Video Library to obtain existing relevant images/videos of the community to use in their projects: https://tourismns.ca/photo-video-library.

Do I need to know what services I need in order to apply for these programs?

Yes. Applicants should be as specific as possible in their application about their desired services. For example, a TDAP applicant may prioritize website design and may require online chat functions, an interactive map showing attractions, a directory of local businesses and events, functionality for adding tourism packages, etc.

Applicants should indicate if they would like to discuss their digital needs by checking the box for “Help, I don’t know what services I need” in the digital services section of the application form. This will trigger a more comprehensive needs assessment for approved participants.

How does the program work? Do I select my own digital consultant?

Businesses selected for the Tourism Digital Assistance Program will have their applications reviewed by a panel at Digital Nova Scotia and may be contacted to further discuss their current challenges and what they need to do to improve their online marketing. Businesses can include a request to work with a specific consultant in their application. If there is no request, Digital Nova Scotia will provide a list with recommendations of qualified consultants and businesses will select the consultant that works best for them. Digital Nova Scotia will then create a contract between Digital Nova Scotia and the Consultant before work can commence on the project. Businesses will work with the consultants to complete the identified technology project and submit a final report to Digital Nova Scotia. Consultants will submit invoices for their services directly to Digital Nova Scotia.

What if I am already working with a consultant for my digital marketing, can I continue to work with them through the program?

If you already work with an eligible consultant you can indicate on your application that you would like to continue working with them through TDAP. You will still need to identify the specific project you would like to complete through the program.

Are there any rules around what can I use the funding for?

The creation of photography and videos is limited to $2,500 including HST. For these services, you will be assigned to work with a consultant who has been approved by Digital Nova Scotia (DNS) and Tourism Nova Scotia (TNS) to offer these services. If you request to work with a consultant outside of this list, DNS/TNS has the option to deny this request based on the fit.

For a more elaborate program that supports the development of photos and videos to help market your business, TNS offers their Digital Content Marketing Program. They also offer access to their online library of photos and videos that their partners can use at no cost to promote travel to Nova Scotia.

Can I make any media buys within the allocated budget?

Any subscription services, new technology and media buys that are directly related to the launch of services developed in conjunction with the Tourism Busiuness must not exceed $1,000 inclusive of taxes. This allocated amount will be deducted from the total $5,000 budget.

Do provincial or municipal museums qualify for the Tourism Digital Assistance Program?

Registration with the Registry of Joint Stocks is a requirement for all participants. Provincial and municipal museums are not ordinarily registered, however if they have an associated non-profit organization, or “friends-of” organization, responsible for museum operations or promotion, that organization may be eligible if it is registered with the Registry of Joint Stocks.

I have participated in TDAP in the past, am I able to participate again?

Yes, businesses may apply to participate in TDAP again in 2024-25 if they participated in previous years. Previous participants must clearly demonstrate a need and how participation will build on previous work completed in the program. Businesses that will participate in TDAP 2024-25 spring intake since April 1, 2024, are ineligible for any potential upcoming cohorts in the 2024-25 fiscal year. First-time applicants will be given priority.


My application to TDAP in previous years was declined, can I apply again?

If you received notice that your application was declined but your circumstances have changed and you now meet the eligibility criteria, you may submit a new application. Please note that this program receives a high number of applications and eligibility does not guarantee acceptance as it is a competitive application process.

I meet the criteria, why wasn’t I selected for the TDAP program?

Although an applicant may be eligible, eligibility does not guarantee acceptance into the program. Given the interest in the program, we are not able to move forward with all applicants at this time. Priority for TDAP was given to independently operated businesses whose primary focus is on attracting and servicing visitors, and who clearly demonstrated a need to enhance their online marketing and e-commerce tools. Businesses who applied and were unsuccessful in previous years are welcome to reapply to the program.

We also encourage you to consider the many other opportunities to work with TNS to promote your business, which you can find on our website at https://tourismns.ca.