Community Tourism Organization Application – Digital Nova Scotia – Leading Digital Industry

We’ve partnered with Tourism Nova Scotia to help connect community tourism organizations with digital service providers that can help them develop or enhance effective digital marketing tools. A strong online presence will help a community reach more people and build a stronger awareness with potential travellers to promote your community as a travel destination. Approved community tourism organizations will be eligible for 100% of the cost of services from a qualified digital service provider, up to a maximum value of $15,000.

Program Guidelines from Tourism Nova Scotia:

For eligibility criteria and program details, please see the program guidelines from Tourism Nova Scotia:

2024 Application Timeline

Community Tourism Organizations

Digital Service Providers

The Match

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Questions? Contact our TDAP – Communities team at


2024 Application

Applications for community tourism organizations looking to participate in the current season officially closed May 1, 2024 at 4:00 p.m.

If you would like to be notified the next time applications open, please fill out the below contact form.

Community Tourism Organization Application

"*" indicates required fields

Program Requirements

To be eligible for this program, organizations must be a Nova Scotia Municipality, Chamber of Commerce, member-based organization with a focus on tourism and/or Regional Destination Marketing Organization focused on a specific community/ communities. Organizations must also have been in operation for minimum time period of one year. For more information about prerequisite requirements, please visit the Program Guidelines page.

Project Contact

Main Project Contact*

Important Note:

Upon successfully submitting your form, you will see a confirmation message on this screen and receive an email copy of your submission. If you do not see or receive these items, please review your expression of interest form for any missing required fields. If the issue persists, you can contact us at for assistance. Thank you!