March 20, 2018
Applications for the WIL DIGITAL subsidy are now open!
The Student Work-Integrated Learning Program will support partnerships between employers and post-secondary education (PSE) institutions to create more work-integrated learning placements for students enrolled in post-secondary studies across Canada.
The program will focus on occupations in science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM) and business.
The Information and Communications Technology Council (ICTC) is one of the partners that will deliver the program, working with employers and PSE institutions in the information and communications technology (ICT) sector.
Under the Student Work-Integrated Learning Program, employers offering quality work-integrated learning placements to PSE students will be eligible to receive wage subsidies through ICTC.
Employers will receive wage subsidies of up to 50 percent of the wage cost for the placement (up to a maximum of $5,000 per placement) and up to 70 percent (up to a maximum of $7,000 per placement) for first-year students and under-represented groups including, women in STEM, Indigenous students, persons with disabilities and newcomers.
If you are an employer, including a small- and medium-sized enterprise, you are encouraged to contact ICTC for more information on how to participate in this program. You can also partner with local PSE institutions that are delivering programs in STEM and business fields to provide work-integrated learning placements for students. Email ICTC at WIL_Digital@ictc-ctic.ca or fill out the form to receive more information or to participate in the program.
If you are a student or recent grad, click here to complete and submit your application.
Funded by the Government of Canada’s Student Work-Integrated Learning Program.