December 8, 2022
Our Digital Nova Scotia team continues to grow, and we’re so excited to welcome our newest addition, Brandin Arsenault!
Brandin is stepping into a project coordinator role and will be assisting the team behind Skills for Hire Atlantic! He has extensive experience in analytics and data management, and his unique skill set will no doubt contribute to the success of the program and the hundreds of students it graduates! Read on to learn more about our newest member.
Tell us about yourself!
I’m from Truro, Nova Scotia, and I lived there most of my life. Prior to joining the team at Digital Nova Scotia, I spent the early parts of my career working in customer service and call centres. I quickly moved into management in search and data analytics, and began developing my skills in data, IT, web development and hosting. I have little traditional education, but I have self-taught seven coding languages, and have taken courses to develop two more!
What excites you the most about the tech sector in Nova Scotia?
Our province has tons of room for growth in this sector, with large opportunities for both digital adoption and providing job opportunities to new graduates and those who want to change their careers. It has been exciting to see in recent years an uptick in both, which can make Nova Scotia a home for many again.
While you work, what do you have playing in the background?
Depending on the day, it’ll be a random playlist that Spotify recommends—or I’ll let YouTube do its thing in the background and listen to some random history and facts I probably didn’t need to learn!
What’s something you’re passionate about that would surprise us?
I’ve always had a passion to help others, learn more about them, and how they think and work. This lets me figure out the best ways we can work together.
What three items you cannot live without (excluding food, water etc-)?
My phone, my car and my AirPods! I’m always driving or watching TikTok and YouTube, so I can’t lose those.
Quick hitters!
Spring or Fall? Fall
Android or iPhone? iPhone
Comedy or Thriller? Comedy
Coffee or Tea? Hot Chocolate!
Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate
Laptop or Desktop? Desktop
Breakfast or Dinner? Dinner
Early Bird or Night Owl? Night Owl
Ocean or Lake? Ocean
Fun Fact: I ran an anti-bullying nonprofit for 5 years during Junior and Senior High School!