Welcome to Digital Nova Scotia, John! – Digital Nova Scotia – Leading Digital Industry
Welcome to Digital Nova Scotia, John!

April 14, 2022

The entire Digital Nova Scotia team is very excited to introduce you to welcome our newest Co-Op Project Coordinator, John Cameron!

Born and raised in Ontario, John spent most of his summers in Nova Scotia visiting with family. During these summers he grew an attachment to Halifax because of how easily you can get around the city and being steps away from the ocean. He is currently in his third year of the commerce co-op program at Dalhousie University, majoring in Marketing Management.

We asked John some quick questions to help introduce him to the DNS community, here are his responses;

What excites you the most about the tech sector in Nova Scotia?

During my first co-op placement at Dalhousie, I got to facilitate many Livestreamed events around the topics of innovation and the future of tech in Nova Scotia. During these events, I learned more about how much innovation is happening in Nova Scotia’s tech sector. I love how forward-facing the sector is and as my graduation date comes closer, I am hoping to soak up as much information as I can during my placement at Digital Nova Scotia.

While you work or study, what do you have playing in the background?

Usually some D’Angelo or Lauryn Hill.

What do you love most about your program at University?

I have really enjoyed the amount of different career paths I have gotten to explore through my co-op placements, general commerce courses and societies. I believe a solid marketing foundation isn’t complete without an understanding of the role marketing plays in relation to finances, supply chain and logistics management, and in the business as a whole. Moreover, there are so many great opportunities for Dalhousie students who want to step outside of their comfort zone. I am very excited to be going on a month-long exchange to Israel this summer to complete my global marketing class.

What is your dream career? Where do you see yourself in five years?

With the marketing field constantly evolving, I couldn’t possibly tell you the exact role or company I want to be at in ten years. I hope to have the opportunity later into my career to explore consumer behavior, specifically finding ways organizations can implement marketing strategies to help influence more sustainable purchasing, use and disposal of goods and services.

What’s something you’re passionate about?

I am very passionate about music and love having conversations with anyone about the topic – when my headphones are out.

What three items would you take with you on a deserted island?

I think I would be pretty set with water, food and a swiss army knife.

Quick hitters!

Spring or Fall? – Spring
Android or iPhone? – iPhone
Comedy or Thriller? – Thriller
Coffee or Tea? – Tea
Chocolate or Vanilla? – Chocolate
Laptop or Desktop? – Laptop
Breakfast or Dinner? – Breakfast
Early Bird or Night Owl? – Night Owl
Ocean or Lake? – Ocean