October 18, 2017
Nova Scotia Business Inc. (NSBI) is launching a new program to help Nova Scotia tech-focused companies grow export capacity.
The NSBI Scale-up Hub is a new program designed to help Nova Scotia companies build an international presence and grow export capacity in the US market and beyond.
The first NSBI Scale-up Hub, located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, offers eligible companies access to the following resources for a full year:
- Professional-guided entry into the New England marketplace
- Collaborative working space in Cambridge, Massachusetts, one of the world’s top innovation hubs
- Dedicated services of an in-market business development team to help drive strategic sales generation and market development activities
Successful applicants must be technology-focused, high-growth companies that are already exporting from Nova Scotia. For a full list of application requirements and to submit an application, please visit novascotiabusiness.com/scaleuphub
Up to five companies will be accepted into the NSBI Scale-up Hub Cambridge program.
The deadline for application submission is
Monday, October 30, 2017 by 5 p.m. ADT.