More Than Numbers: Bold and Italic – Digital Nova Scotia – Leading Digital Industry
More Than Numbers: Bold and Italic

July 18, 2022

When Michelle McCann sent out her first tweet in April of 2008, she didn’t expect the spark she felt to follow.  Michelle’s always been creative and found a way to apply herself  professionally, first by pursuing a career in communications, followed by working over 10 years in fund development and event management in the non-profit sector. When Michelle moved back to her hometown of Truro, Nova Scotia, the time felt right to pursue something new, so in January 2013, Michelle became her own boss and Bold and Italic was born!

Bold and Italic is a locally-owned business that provides personal service in the realms of social media, marketing and public relations. The company doesn’t identify as an agency, in fact they prefer to avoid any and all marketing jargon, instead delivering  a personable and digestible approach to business. 

Michelle’s experience is one of their core assets,  with a mindset focused on customer satisfaction and emphasizing how to remain resourceful. Her knowledge of the nonprofit sector taught Michelle about storytelling and the emotional connection clients have to their money. Michelle held onto the lesson that money extends beyond donations – so Bold and Italic helps customers feel heard and their concerns are taken care of. 

On the other hand, her background in event planning trained Michelle to always think two steps ahead. When working with entrepreneurial clients, plans can change on a moment’s notice, therefore it is key to be adaptable and feel confident shifting direction. 

Michelle demonstrated her ability to adapt when kickstarting Bold and Italic without a set plan, she hoped that the small community of Truro would support her entrepreneurial vision. Luckily they did, and almost ten years later she has grown an amazing support network of friends, clients and fellow business owners. The benefits of self-employment while managing Bold and Italic provided Michelle with creative freedom, flexibility and the choice to work on projects she is passionate about. 

Bold and Italic’s clientele consists mainly of small businesses and two major festivals: the Halifax Comedy Fest and the Halifax Busker Fest. In particular, Michelle enjoys partnering with other female-run entrepreneurs in providing digital and traditional marketing services. While Michelle has contributed towards many memorable projects over the years, a company highlight of hers includes being a part of a marriage proposal at the 2017 Halifax Busker Festival. Bold and Italic’s video contributions reached over 250,000 viewers on their platform alone and reached a greater scope from media outlets. 

While Bold and Italic tracks the number of clicks and views to measure reach, Michelle considers measurements in real life just as important. Real impact, purchases, or new clients are the numbers she’s focused on, alongside ad engagement and digital metrics. Instead of focusing strictly on algorithms and numbers, Bold and Italic determines the best outcome for their clients to achieve the best result. 

As the company enters their 10th year of business, Michelle is excited to partner with new businesses in hopes of growing their awareness and sales digitally. 

If you are interested in learning more about Bold and Italic’s services contact Michelle McCann at [email protected]