Medusa Medical Technologies: Serving Communities With Meaningful Work – Digital Nova Scotia – Leading Digital Industry
Medusa Medical Technologies: Serving Communities With Meaningful Work

February 4, 2022

“I began working at ESO 4 years ago, after working 12 years on the ambulance as a Paramedic. Having used the software to capture important patient data while in the field, I came into this company with a unique perspective. Knowing that the public has access to lifesaving treatment due to the power of the data collected using our software, is very rewarding.”

– Chris Williams, Business Analyst and Advance Care Paramedic

Since it was founded in 2004, ESO has been driven by a singular mission – to improve the health and safety of the communities in which they work and live.

ESO saw the same dedication, drive, and commitment from the team at Medusa Medical Technologies, a global technology leader headquartered in Halifax, and were impressed to have discovered a company that shares the same core values that ESO holds so dearly. In 2021, ESO acquired Medusa Medical Technologies, establishing a strong foothold in the Canadian market, and creating opportunity for broader international expansion.

In the medical technologies industry, the quick and easy sharing of information is critical for time-sensitive emergencies, and in some cases, the quality of product can be the difference between life and death. Operating this line of business on behalf of ESO, Medusa is intently focussed on delivering top-notch technology to all its customers. Their technology allows paramedics and first responders to quickly capture important information and share it with other healthcare facilities, ensuring a patient is always receiving the best possible treatment.

In terms of what contributes to the company’s success, a driving force is a cohesive feeling of meaningful work that can be felt across the entire team. Where as many companies create products that contribute to society less directly, Medusa’s work in eHealth actively helps save lives, having a meaningful impact in the communities they serve.

“By and large, human beings want to feel valued and make positive contributions to the world in which we live – the work we do at ESO provides that opportunity. It is truly meaningful.”

– Amy Brooks, Senior Director of Customer Onboarding for ESO

A great company begins with a great work environment, and at Medusa, the culture reflects the mission. The staff works as a team, collaborating on projects and focussing their attention on what’s best for the customers. From top to bottom, the Medusa team emphasizes having candid and open conversations with one another, building trust and removing any roadblocks in the way. Every voice in the company has something meaningful to say, and every person has something meaningful to contribute.

“ESO is a great place to work. The company cares about and supports its employees. I love the company culture and enjoy working with everyone. ESO has a shared commitment to both individual and company success. I love what I do!”

– Klaudia Glozman, Quality Assurance Tester at ESO

Join us in celebrating Medusa Medical Technologies as Digital Nova Scotia’s January Member of the Month! To learn more about ESO and Medusa, we invite you to check out their Website as well as ESO’s Career Portal.