January 18, 2018

GradWorks matches small-to-medium-sized business across Nova Scotia, like yours, with skilled, talented NSCC graduates.
Your business could receive up to 66 per cent salary support – to a maximum of $25,000 – when you hire a qualified NSCC graduate for up to a one-year period (ending on or before January 31, 2019).
Let a skilled NSCC graduate build capacity in your company to support productivity and profitability.
GradWorks is available to graduates from the following programs:
- Human Resource Management(Advanced Diploma)
- Industrial Engineering Technology (Diploma)
- Occupational Health & Safety (Certificate)
Employers in most business sectors are eligible to participate with a preference given to business-to-business organizations focused on export and innovation.
This program is funded by the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA) and managed by Nova Scotia Community College (NSCC).
If you have any questions, please reach out to Tracy Peers at: Tracy.Peers@nscc.ca.