August 7, 2019
Global Affairs Canada (GAC) is pleased to invite Canadian exporters to participate in the Connectivity Solutions Trade Mission to Mexico to take place November 4 to 8, 2019.
The Trade Mission involves a 3 to 5 day matchmaking agenda in Mexico City, Guadalajara and/or Monterrey, according to Canadian clients’ business priorities. This Trade Mission will appeal to Canadian telecommunications and internet-of-things (IoT) companies interested in starting or expanding business activities in Mexico, and will be of interest to firms seeking business with value-added resellers, distributors, integrators and end users of connectivity solutions. Participating Canadian companies will benefit from a customized matchmaking meeting schedule.
The Trade Mission is focused on IoT-driven analytics, security, device management, short-range networks, infrastructure solutions, radio networks, tracking solutions (person/asset/vehicles), GPS, packet-switched networks, wireless networks solutions, internet, Ethernet, computer networks, as well as other connectivity solutions for the enterprise, industrial and residential segments.
Please find the Preliminary Schedule as well as information related to the Trade Mission’s fee and costs enclosed.
If you are interested in participating, please send the Registration Form enclosed to mexico.commerce@international.gc.caor contact us at +52 (55) 5724-7937 Ext.3358 by September 10, 2019.
Note: Availability is limited to 15 Canadian companies and preference will be given to early applicants and new entrants to the market.