EmployNXT: Revolutionizing diversity hiring using AI – Digital Nova Scotia – Leading Digital Industry
EmployNXT: Revolutionizing diversity hiring using AI

January 15, 2024

So, tech jobs – exciting, right? For some individuals, it’s not so simple. Imagine being a woman or a member of the LGBTQ2+ community with the necessary skills, but suddenly feeling lost in a hiring maze built for someone else. That’s where EmployNXT swoops in, tackling biases and redefining diversity hiring. 

For EmployNXT, it is not just about ticking boxes, but about empowering talent and making sure everyone gets a fair shot at their dream tech job.

“We built this platform with brains that automate 90% of the hiring process,” says cofounder and CEO Shubhra Singh. 

“Think of it as a supercharged matchmaker for talent and companies, both saving everyone time and ensuring candidates are judged solely on their skills, not some dusty old resume or a biased interviewer’s vibe. Our platform helps in matching the right candidates and increasing operational efficiency by 60 per cent.”

EmployNXT’s secret sauce? Singh outlines its two key ingredients:

  • We know confidence can be tricky, especially for underrepresented groups. So, our AI smarts actively seek out diverse talent, sending out personalized job recommendations like magic beans – no more endless scrolling through job boards!
  • Forget biased resumes and those awkward interview silences. We use AI-powered preliminary interviews that give real-time feedback, cutting out unconscious bias and giving everyone a fair chance to shine.

“This approach has landed us in Microsoft’s prestigious startup hub – not bad for a bunch of passionate folks on a mission,” says Singh. 

“We’re also laser-focused on giving students a leg up, and starting their tech journeys with the right opportunities. And because we believe collaboration is key, we’re actively seeking pilot partners with startups – imagine the impact we can have together!” 

Singh is also an active mentor for several local programs, emphasizing the importance of lifelong learning and the pursuit of one’s passion.

“One thing I always tell people is to learn and learn and learn new things because it’s very important,” she says.

EmployNXT isn’t just a platform, it’s a movement which is disrupting the status quo, amplifying diverse voices, and building a tech future where talent, not bias, rules the roost.

As EmployNXT prepares to launch, the company is eager to partner and collaborate with startup companies for pilot projects to assess its impact on the startup ecosystem. With ambitious plans for 2024, Singh says she is excited to hit the ground running to fulfill the company’s mission of eliminating the diversity hiring bias.

So, ready to join the revolution? Head over to EmployNXT and let’s rewrite the tech dream together!