February 14, 2017

Member Promotional Opportunity – Digital Nova Scotia Booth at 3rd Annual NSCC IT JobCon
Like in previous years, DNS will be hosting a table at the 3rd Annual NSCC IT JobCon event on March 1st, and we’re big on promoting our members. So we are offering you the opportunity to “share our booth”. If you have materials that you’d like current students and new graduates to see, we can help!
The deadline to provide us with your materials is February 24th at 4pm. Please send, deliver or courier any hard-copy promotional materials, information packages, or job postings you’d like us to take with us to:
Digital Nova Scotia
Purdy’s Wharf, Tower I
1347-1959 Upper Water Street
Halifax, NS
B3J 3N2
Attention: Rosie Shen
Thank you.
The DNS Team
P.S. If you would like any unused promotional materials returned, please let us know.
Any questions or comments you may have can be forwarded to info@digitalnovascotia.com.
Not a member yet, but would like to take advantage of this unique opportunity and other benefits we have for our members? It’s never too late! Sign up directly online by clicking “JoinToday” in the upper-righthand corner of our website (digitalnovascotia.com) or contact Rosie Shen at rosemary.shen@digitalnovascotia.com.