July 7, 2021
The Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) is looking for people who code to create and deliver custom code under an open-source license. These low dollar value ($10K or less) coding opportunities will be posted on the Micro-Acquisition pilot website, where you can also find a User Guide with all the details about eligibility, how to apply, and receiving payment. Contribute to increased working in the open and reuse of code in the Government of Canada!
How is this different from other Government of Canada procurement opportunities?
Their goal is to make the process simpler for you from start to finish by:
– Easier application process. Complete and submit your application in 2 hours or less.
– Quick selection turnaround. The evaluation of applications for an opportunity is fast and light-touch. We anticipate announcing the winning supplier two business days following the closing of an opportunity.
– Fewer hurdles to winning opportunities. No lengthy pre-approval processes, anonymized evaluation process to reduce bias and all work is done virtually so a National Captial Region (NCR) location is not required.
– Faster payment. Deliver your code and receive your payment by credit card or PayPal.
This micro-acquisition pilot project is being run for one year at Employment and Social Development Canada through a partnership between the Innovation Information Technology Branch and the Chief Financial Officer Branch. This pilot would not have been possible without the help of the BC Developers Exchange/BC Digital Marketplace who have lead the way for years, and have generously shared their expertise. They have also endeavoured to learn from the lessons of the GC Developers Exchange (the Government of Canada’s first foray into low dollar value procurement of open source code).
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