June 28, 2020
GameDev Atlantic (GDA) 2020 is looking for speakers at this year’s event. This year it is being held virtually on Friday, September 18th. Presentations will tentatively take place from 1pm to 6pm and each be roughly 35 minutes long. There will be two tracks running at the same time, allowing for at least 10 speakers at this year’s event. Speakers who are chosen to participate will receive a $200 honorarium for their time.
The conference organizers are searching for a wide range of topics to be covered by this year’s presentations. They are particularly interested in speakers with high levels of expertise in technical fields the following themes:
- Software Engineering
- Art
- Ethics in Video Games
- Diversity & Accessibility
- How to Start Creating
- Prototyping
If you have a topic that falls outside these themes, it may still be eligible for this year’s event.
Interested potential speakers can fill out an application form on the conference website.
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