Arctic Wolf’s Rise: Securing Industries and Growing in Nova Scotia – Digital Nova Scotia – Leading Digital Industry
Arctic Wolf’s Rise: Securing Industries and Growing in Nova Scotia

June 11, 2024

Arctic Wolf, a leading cybersecurity provider, was founded in 2012 by Kim Tremblay and Brian NeSmith, two seasoned cybersecurity professionals who recognized the growing need for more effective and practical security solutions. Driven by their vision to bridge the gap between technology and business, Arctic Wolf set out to deliver proactive, 24/7 cybersecurity services to organizations of all sizes—and the company’s growth over the past 12 years has been nothing short of remarkable. 

“It’s really been a bit of a rocketship in terms of growth,” said Amit Vyas, the Enterprise Account Executive at Arctic Wolf. “Organizations of all sizes continue to struggle when it comes to cybersecurity, and I think Arctic Wolf has come to the market with a solution that is extremely unique and helps these organizations make tangible and quantifiable improvements.” 

This unique approach has transformed Arctic Wolf from a startup to a globally leading cybersecurity provider, with customers around the world spanning virtually every industry and vertical.

A significant part of Arctic Wolf’s growth story is its expansion into Nova Scotia. With its cofounder hailing from Canada, the company established its first office in Waterloo, Ontario. As Arctic Wolf continued to scale, it recognized the incredible pool of talent in Nova Scotia, supported by excellent post-secondary institutions such as Dalhousie University, Saint Mary’s University and NSCC. 

“We’ve hired some amazing grads and have had a number of Co-op students who have come through our program and continue to grow with us,” Vyas said. In fact, Arctic Wolf has a sizable footprint in Nova Scotia, with close to 40 team members, and more than 800 across all of Canada.

Arctic Wolf’s serves a diverse client base across a wide range of industries, including healthcare, finance, manufacturing, retail and government. 

“Different industries face varied cybersecurity risks,” Vyas explained. “For example, healthcare organizations must protect sensitive patient data and comply with regulations like PIPEDA, while financial institutions need to secure financial transactions and prevent fraud. Manufacturing companies are concerned with protecting intellectual property and maintaining operational continuity, whereas retail businesses must safeguard customer payment information.” 

Arctic Wolf’s tailored approach ensures that it addresses the specific threats and vulnerabilities relevant to each industry.

As Arctic Wolf looks towards the future, the company is focused on continued innovation and expansion, such as investing in advanced threat intelligence, artificial intelligence, machine learning and automation to enhance its detection and response capabilities.

“Additionally, we are expanding our global presence and exploring new markets to better serve our clients, while continuing to invest within Canada and Nova Scotia. Last year, we also signed an agreement with the province to potentially increase our numbers significantly within Nova Scotia over the next five years,” said Vyas.

The company’s biggest success stories, Amit noted, are the countless instances where Arctic Wolf has been able to protect its clients from potentially cataclysmic cyber events. 

“I would say that one of the biggest success stories on the whole is that we’re actually able to deliver high-quality cybersecurity services that prevent breaches and protect our client’s most critical assets,” he said. “Furthermore, our customers are reporting back on significant reductions in their cyber insurance premiums as a result of the security controls that we help them demonstrate.”

So, what’s the best part of being part of the Arctic Wolf team? According to Vyas, it’s seeing the impact they’re having on their customers, both locally in Nova Scotia and around the world. 

“It’s not every day that you can honestly say and actually see that the work you are doing is actually making a difference. We have some of the most talented cybersecurity professionals in the world who are working with our customers 24/7365 keeping these threat actors at bay while ensuring that they are in a position to Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond, and Recover from an ever evolving and changing threat landscape.  To be able to see these teams in action and hear our customers say, ‘I can sleep at night’ is incredibly rewarding and absolutely the best part of working at Arctic Wolf!”

As Arctic Wolf continues to grow and innovate, the company’s commitment to the Nova Scotian community and its focus on delivering practical, proactive cybersecurity solutions will undoubtedly continue to drive its success in the years to come.