Aptitude Digital embraces the four-day workweek – Digital Nova Scotia – Leading Digital Industry
Aptitude Digital embraces the four-day workweek

May 23, 2023

In today’s fast-paced world, achieving a healthy work-life balance is a constant challenge—could a four-day workweek be the key?

Earlier this year, Aptitude Digital shifted to a shorter workweek, and they’re already reporting improved productivity, employee well-being and overall job satisfaction.

“The four day workweek makes people more productive, because you’ve got that time to recharge,” said Aptitude Digital co-founder Bill Doane.

“That three-day weekend, you’re not panicked to get everything you need to get done on the weekend. And, you know, when you do get to work, you’re refreshed, you’re focused and ready to get to it.”

The conventional five-day workweek has long been the norm, but by condensing their workweek to four days, the team at Aptitude Digital has found a formula that supports the much-needed work-life balance.

“Bill and I came from the Grey Cubicle Land in our previous careers, and we always wanted to create an environment where people wanted to come to work,” said co-founder Chris Brown.

The additional day off provides an opportunity for employees to engage in personal activities, tend to household chores, or simply relax and rejuvenate.

“Chris, and Bill say that they value work life balance, not just for them, but for their team, and they really put their money where their mouth is,” said Myra Richards, a developer at Aptitude Digital.

“This has been a very positive change for my mental health and my ability to support my partner and family at home. My weekends are entirely stress free. And I’m eager to come to work on Tuesday, which is a great feeling.”

The shorter workweek has fostered a sense of focus and efficiency, allowing employees to allocate their time effectively and prioritize their tasks. And contrary to common belief, the four-day workweek has not hampered productivity at Aptitude Digital. In fact, for some it has had the opposite effect, allowing them to accomplish the same amount of work, if not more, within the condensed timeframe.

While the transition to a four-day workweek is not without its challenges—namely, doing business with clients who still operate on a five-day workweek schedule— Aptitude Digital believes this approach is well-suited for them.

Interested in joining the team at Aptitude Digital? You can find a list of their current job openings here.