A year in review: recapping our 2022-2023 Annual General Meeting – Digital Nova Scotia – Leading Digital Industry
A year in review: recapping our 2022-2023 Annual General Meeting

October 20, 2023

On Thursday, October 19, Digital Nova Scotia hosted our Annual General Meeting (AGM), and we were thrilled to welcome more than 100 people joining us in Halifax, New Glasgow, Yarmouth, Sydney, and virtually!

We greatly appreciate all those who came out to reflect on the past year with us! We owe a special thank you to our event sponsors: word-craft in Yarmouth, McInnes Cooper in Halifax, BRAEVR Media in New Glasgow and Navigate Startup House in Sydney.

DNS Highlights Reported in 2023

During the AGM, our team shared some of the projects and significant impacts we’ve achieved throughout the year. We’ve divided our highlights under our three strategic areas of focus:

Talent and Workforce Development 

Digital Community & Partner Engagement

  • We kicked off one of our largest research projects yet called Creating an Inclusive Culture that researches effective global frameworks that drive better diversity and inclusion within tech businesses
  • We connected with over 216 tourism businesses and digital experts to deliver on their digital adoption efforts through the Tourism Digital Assistance Program (TDAP)
  • We were able to expand our efforts to assist 33 community development organizations through our Digital Assistance for Tourism Communities Program 
  • More than 90 youth took part in our ninth-annual Digital Discovery Camp, which expanded to Membertou, Cape Breton this past year

Sector Promotion & Advocacy

  • We expanded our outreach through our website, which received 415K + page visits, an increase of 75K from last year
  • We promoted the growth of our members by posting 2,400 job opportunities on our Job Board
  • We grew our All Hands on Tech podcast, releasing 20 episodes, which have been downloaded more than 2,500 times
  • Our team produced 120 blogs featuring our members and sharing industry highlights
  • Our social media presence has grown to over 21.5K followers with more than 2 million impressions


What’s next for DNS?

Armed with all that we’ve accomplished in the past year, we’re excited to continue forging a path of positive momentum and making substantial contributions within our community and industry. Collaboration, mutual support and innovative problem-solving is important now more than ever, particularly in the ever-evolving digital landscape and the wealth of talent within it.

We remain committed to propelling digital adoption, promoting diversity and inclusivity in the workforce, and amplifying the many great achievements of our sector. Here’s to another year of shared success and growth!