A recap on the successes at our 2021-22 Annual General Meeting! – Digital Nova Scotia – Leading Digital Industry
A recap on the successes at our 2021-22 Annual General Meeting!

October 11, 2022

Last week, we hosted our Annual General Meeting and were joined by more than 80 people in Halifax, New Glasgow, Yarmouth, Sydney and virtually!

Thank you to all who came out to join us, especially to our event sponsors and hosts Sobeys, word-craft, McInnes Cooper, IGNITE, and Navigate Startup House! Embracing our love for tech and the digital landscape of Nova Scotia, we set out to make this event accessible across the province and our team loved the opportunity to get out and meet some more of our members and friends.

DNS Highlights Reported in 2022

During the AGM, our CEO Wayne Sumarah had the honour of sharing some of the great opportunities and impact we have shared this year, we’ve divided our highlights under our three strategic areas of focus. Now let’s take a look down memory lane!

Talent and Workforce Development

  • Reached 1900+ participants through the 770 webinars, workshops and sessions we offered across Nova Scotia
  • Our career-building programs, Get into IT & Skills for Hire, supported 540 people to upskill and launch their careers in tech
  • 105 Industry mentors participated and contributed to career-building and youth development initiatives

Digital Community & Partner Engagement

  • 900 businesses were supported through our Tourism Digital Assistance Program (TDAP) and Digital Adoption Program for Small Businesses (DAPSB)
  • Our team took part in hosting, promoting, and engaging in over 500 events throughout the province
  • Delivered 6 Digital Discovery Camp sessions to 90 campers in collaboration with the Discovery Centre, with the help of 15 industry partners, ACOA, and sponsors

Sector Promotion & Advocacy

  • Expanded our outreach through our website, which received 340k+ page visits
  • Promoted the growth of our members by posting 2,516 job opportunities on our Job Board
  • Launched our podcast All Hands on Tech and released 7 episodes highlighting key members – special thanks to Podstarter for making this possible!
  • Wrote 134 blogs primarily focussing on member feature stories and industry highlights
  • Our social media presence has grown to over 17k followers with more than 2.5 million impressions

Hear what others have to say about the impact we’ve made this year

What’s next for DNS?

With everything we’ve gotten under our belt this past year, we are excited to continue building our positive momentum and significant impacts within our community and industry! These past years have shown us just how important it is to support one another and innovate solutions, especially when it comes to the digital landscape and the talent within.

We will continue making strides towards fuelling digital adoption, advancing diversity and inclusivity in the workforce, and amplifying the stories and successes of our sector. Here’s to another great year together!

Another special shout out for all those who participated in this year’s Annual General Meeting, both in-person and virtually. Enjoy these snapshots capturing some of our members, teammates, and lucky giveaway winners!