Past Events from April 5, 2023 – April 21, 2023 – Page 30 – Digital Nova Scotia – Leading Digital Industry


Wage subsidies of up to $7000 when you hire a post-secondary student


Every Wednesday at 11:00 Atlantic, from April 5th until May 31st, Join Tim Perron, ICTC’s Atlantic Regional coordinator and learn about ICTC’s WIL Digital wage subsidy program that helps employers make students part of their talent strategy. Subsidies up to $7000 per student available for both full-time and part-time positions, co-op positions and any other position that provides students the opportunity to practice skills relevant to the digital economy. In this workshop you will learn about the WIL Digital student wage subsidy program including the financial support available, program eligibility requirements, the kinds of positions that can be supported, how to apply and some “pro-tips” to help streamline your application process. You’ll also hear from Atlantic post-secondary institutions about how to find and hire their students. Agenda o 11:00-11:20 WIL Digital wage subsidy program details o 11:20-11:30 How to hire your student o 11:30-11:45 Questions and conversation o 11:45-12:15 Optional WIL Digital application workshop

Interactive Data Analysis & Scientific Visualization with Paraview


Scientific visualization of large datasets allows you to identify critical areas and vulnerabilities during the design process so that you can focus efforts, cut design time and create a better product. This workshop will introduce participants to scientific visualization on both a conceptual and practical level. Following an overview, the session will focus on teaching participants how to use the open-source Paraview visualization software on their own desktop. This will be followed by a demonstration on how open source Paraview can be used on a supercomputer for datasets that are too large for desktop or workstations. This is a beginner, hands-on workshop for R&D engineering or scientific staff with no scientific visualization experience.

How Bitcoin can Decarbonize and Strengthen the Grid


This training session is all about demystifying the topic of bitcoin mining. Beyond a surface level analysis of bitcoin mining lays a plethora of use cases in GridTech. Namely, the ability to balance electricity grids, subsidize energy energy generation costs (reducing costs for the end consumer), and accelerate the rate at which energy grids are decarbonized and transitioned to greener, more sustainable energy sources. Join Keegan Francis as he illuminates the topic of bitcoin mining and expands conceptions of how it can be applied to solve real world energy related problems. 3 Takeaways Bitcoin Mining can accelerate the rate at which a region adopts green and renewable energy sources Aspects of Bitcoin Mining can be leveraged and reused to reduce waste (i.e. heat) How does bitcoin mining work, and why it is a good thing that it uses the energy that it does Keegan Francis is a CoFounder of the Atlantic Blockchain Company and GoFullCrypto, a consultation company that focuses on how to practically apply cryptocurrency to solve real-world problems. The insights gleaned from working in the Bitcoin Mining industry have allowed him to see that bitcoin has a place in decarbonizing the Atlantic Canadian electricity grid and reducing energy […]


Wage subsidies of up to $7000 when you hire a post-secondary student


Every Wednesday at 11:00 Atlantic, from April 5th until May 31st, Join Tim Perron, ICTC’s Atlantic Regional coordinator and learn about ICTC’s WIL Digital wage subsidy program that helps employers make students part of their talent strategy. Subsidies up to $7000 per student available for both full-time and part-time positions, co-op positions and any other position that provides students the opportunity to practice skills relevant to the digital economy. In this workshop you will learn about the WIL Digital student wage subsidy program including the financial support available, program eligibility requirements, the kinds of positions that can be supported, how to apply and some “pro-tips” to help streamline your application process. You’ll also hear from Atlantic post-secondary institutions about how to find and hire their students. Agenda o 11:00-11:20 WIL Digital wage subsidy program details o 11:20-11:30 How to hire your student o 11:30-11:45 Questions and conversation o 11:45-12:15 Optional WIL Digital application workshop

LinkedIn: The Tinder Principles

The PIER 1209 Marginal Rd, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

First impressions are important - especially digital ones. Outbound sales development activities like LinkedIn and email messaging can be highly targeted and effective if done well. If done poorly, they can make a bad first impression and lead to rejection and wasted time of valuable sales resources. In this event, we will use real-world examples and some cheeky new ways of thinking about first-touch messages to reframe how to approach outbound efforts and maximize success rates. 3 Takeaways Learn effective sales outreach practices and techniques Dissect and learn from real world examples of good and bad outreach efforts Leave with new ideas on how to approach this critical revenue generating activity

Cyber Insurance: Improve Your 2023 Renewal Outcomes with Privileged Access Management


Increasingly costly cyberthreats and ransomware attacks have turned the cyber insurance industry upside down. Insurers are tightening underwriting requirements, increasing the price of premiums, and even dropping coverage altogether for high-risk organizations.In this upcoming session with Christopher Hills, Chief Security Strategist at BeyondTrust, hear how the cyber insurance market is changing, why it is changing, and the new expectations for a company seeking to obtain, or maintain, cyber liability coverage. All attendees will receive the BeyondTrust Cybersecurity Insurance Checklist as a guide in understanding the common requirements for cyber insurance approval. 3 Key Takeaways 1. How and why the cyber insurance market is changing 2. How implementing specific security controls, such as privileged access management (PAM), can help you qualify for coverage and get better rates 3. How much cyber insurance coverage should be obtained Meet your Presenter... Christopher Hills has more than 20 years’ experience as a Technical Director, Senior Solutions Architect, andSecurity Engineer operating in highly sensitive environments. As Chief Security Strategist, he works withCustomer, Marketing, and Executives on Thought Leadership, Market Trends, Company Vision and Strategy reporting to the CSO.  


Organizational Change Management MasterClass


Are you an aspiring organizational change management professional looking to take your skills to the next level? Or a business analyst or project manager seeking a deeper understanding of organizational transformation? Join their FREE masterclass, designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to start leading change initiatives.

Bridging a Dangerous Gap Between Incidents and Cyber Crises


The number of cyberattacks and breaches rises every year. The complexity and sophistication of attacks is also rising, and businesses have to reckon with extortion, regulatory reporting, and legal implications of each breach. Unfortunately, very few are prepared to deal with major attacks and breaches can produce catastrophic consequences. But there is a way to better mitigate risks: extending your technical incident response program to cover executive teams and their plans for leading through cyber crises. Join this session to learn: Cyber crisis that developed into catastrophes What went wrong? How could it have been handled differently? What preparatory steps would enable teams to take control? Core elements of a cyber crisis plan The difference from technical incident response plan Understanding the critical role executive level plans have How to reduce adverse effect How to save money How to have a limiting impact to internal teams


Wage subsidies of up to $7000 when you hire a post-secondary student


Every Wednesday at 11:00 Atlantic, from April 5th until May 31st, Join Tim Perron, ICTC’s Atlantic Regional coordinator and learn about ICTC’s WIL Digital wage subsidy program that helps employers make students part of their talent strategy. Subsidies up to $7000 per student available for both full-time and part-time positions, co-op positions and any other position that provides students the opportunity to practice skills relevant to the digital economy. In this workshop you will learn about the WIL Digital student wage subsidy program including the financial support available, program eligibility requirements, the kinds of positions that can be supported, how to apply and some “pro-tips” to help streamline your application process. You’ll also hear from Atlantic post-secondary institutions about how to find and hire their students. Agenda o 11:00-11:20 WIL Digital wage subsidy program details o 11:20-11:30 How to hire your student o 11:30-11:45 Questions and conversation o 11:45-12:15 Optional WIL Digital application workshop



Nova Centre 1650 Grafton St, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

ATLSECCON is a non-profit, volunteer-led information-security conference focusing on expanding the IT Security knowledge pool. It has garnered a reputation as the premiere knowledge repository for Atlantic Canada to provide an inclusive opportunity for anyone wanting to collaborate and learn. Hear from top experts on the best way to evolve IT security strategies Participate in track sessions relevant to your needs and interests Network with an extensive array of industry providers on our tradeshow floor Participate in our Passport Program to win prizes Take advantage of free give-aways and enjoy locally sourced food and beverages

$100 – $275

Are You Ready To Transform Your Remote Organization?


Whether you have had remote employees for years or have moved in that direction post-pandemic, this is a very practical workshop that details key criteria to lead top-performing geographically dispersed teams. This comprehensive session provides a lucid, insightful, and practical approach to transitioning your organization to remote. Or, if you’re already remote or hybrid – we’ll show you how to create a higher-performing workplace – wherever that workplace is. This training is tailor-made for business leaders who need real answers and are determined to find the surest route to leveraging remote’s significant advantages. Based on Virtira’s Forbes Books best-seller, “The Power of Remote”, and decades of experience, this workshop will give you key strategies to boost productivity, cut costs, improve morale and retention, expand your talent pool, protect your business against disruption, and reduce your company's environmental impact. You’ll leave with a roadmap to achieve these results while also expanding employee engagement, well-being, and trust. What are 3-Key Takeaways: What are the key strategies to hire, onboard and train remote superstars What every leader needs to understand about building culture remotely How to be a remote manager who promotes autonomous work instead of scrutinized work. Meet your presenter: Kara Purdy […]



Nova Centre 1650 Grafton St, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

ATLSECCON is a non-profit, volunteer-led information-security conference focusing on expanding the IT Security knowledge pool. It has garnered a reputation as the premiere knowledge repository for Atlantic Canada to provide an inclusive opportunity for anyone wanting to collaborate and learn. Hear from top experts on the best way to evolve IT security strategies Participate in track sessions relevant to your needs and interests Network with an extensive array of industry providers on our tradeshow floor Participate in our Passport Program to win prizes Take advantage of free give-aways and enjoy locally sourced food and beverages

$100 – $275