Events for May 15, 2024 › Training › – Digital Nova Scotia – Leading Digital Industry

Introduction to Linux

Linux is the terminal interface used to enable you to use supercomputing clusters from your desktop. It's the tool you need to get your data on the clusters, run your programs, and get your data back. In this session, learn how to create and navigate directories for your data, load files, manage your storage, run programs on the compute clusters, and set file permissions. This workshop is designed for those with no prior experience in working with a terminal interface. DETAILS & REGISTER

Introductory Programming: Unix Shell, Git and Python

This is a beginner level series that is hands-on, covering the fundamentals of Unix Shell, Version Control with Git and Python. This includes data types, conditional statements, loops and functions, as well as program design, version control, data management, and task automation. Participants will be encouraged to help one another and to apply what they have learned to their own research problems. The goal is to teach the practical knowledge needed to start programming, debugging and using Python in everyday tasks. Prerequisites: no previous knowledge of the tools that will be presented, nor previous programming experience, but intermediate level experience with a computer is highly recommended. DETAILS & REGISTER