Events for June 27, 2022 › Meetups › – Digital Nova Scotia – Leading Digital Industry

Designing digital products people love!

VOLTA 1800 Argyle Street #Unit 801, Halifax

Details Summer is here at last! Time to ditch those jackets, get outside and enjoy the sun, AND join our first in-person meetup in 3 years! We are super excited to see you all again IRL soon! Join us on July 7th (Thursday) as we listen to Jamie Gerrard, a UX consultant and Haligonian, as he talks about taking a people-first approach to designing websites, mobile apps, and other digital products. Jamie's industry experience spans over 18 years and includes private and public sectors, startups, and Fortune 500 companies in the telecommunications, financial, education, government, hospitality, and travel & tourism industries. In the past, he has held several senior leadership positions, including Design Principal, Director of Product & Marketing, Director of User Experience, and Digital Strategist. Connect with him: There will be time for some Q&A and networking. This is a FREE event thanks to our friends at Volta.

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SEO Brunch – June 2022


Join us for SEO Brunch, an invite-only peer group of SEOs (and SEO adjacent professionals) on the last Monday of every month. Learn valuable SEO tips & share knowledge with a group of like-minded individuals! What is SEO Brunch? SEO Brunch is a meet-up of people who are interested in Search Engine Optimization. The community varies from professionals who have worked in the space for a long time to those new to the industry. Some regular attendees include: seasoned SEO professionals affiliate marketers who generate a large portion of their traffic and sales from organic search new-to-the-industry marketers tasked with improving their companies organic visibility business owners that want to improve traffic to their website professionals with other marketing specialties who want to align their approach to SEO those that are always curious and want to learn