Re-Engineer your ocean tech career
Join the Ocean Startup Project for a virtual fireside chat for all engineers, entrepreneurs, tinkerers, and those who have made their living by and near the water! At this virtual event, you’ll hear from: Moya Cahill, P.Eng. CEO and co-founder, Pangeo Subsea, Karl Kenny, President and CEO Kraken Robotics & Adam Keating, CEO and co- founder, CoLab Software. These innovators have carved out a successful future for themselves in the ocean economy and built companies that are dominating the global scene. Find out how they took the leap to switch career direction, what they overcame, what made it possible for them, and learn what types of support are available today so that you aren't alone. Turn to the BLUE ECONOMY for ever-expanding and entrepreneurial careers Are you looking to re-engineer your career? Projected to be worth $3-trillion by 2030, the blue economy offers plenty of opportunities. Now is the time to catch that next wave. Pivot your technology and engineering skills to take advantage of the exciting career opportunities ocean entrepreneurship offers. Whether it’s solving problems in traditional ocean industries or focusing on solutions in the burgeoning blue tech and clean tech areas, starting up an ocean company […]