Events for June 4, 2024 › DNS Events › – Digital Nova Scotia – Leading Digital Industry
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The Dynamics of AI & Machine Learning


In this topic, we will delve into the nature of research in the field of AI/ML (Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning) with a specific focus on its relevance to Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED). We'll explore the key aspects of AI/ML research, emphasizing how innovative developments and advancements in algorithms contribute to SR&ED eligibility, fostering a deeper understanding of the intersection between cutting-edge technology and research incentives. 3 Key Takeaways Understanding what the difference is between AI / ML Understanding what type of research is happening Knowledge of what sorts of work can be claimed for SR&ED Meet Your Presenter..   Arun is an entrepreneur helping the private sector obtain government tax credits and grants for almost 20 years. As an engineering graduate from University of Waterloo, Arun was part of the dot com tech boom working for tech giant Trilogy in Austin, Texas before starting his first business. Today he is Director of Operations a national consulting business with offices in Mississauga, Calgary, Montreal and Vancouver.