Events for October 29, 2024 – Digital Nova Scotia – Leading Digital Industry

Welcome Home to Canada – Employee Showcase

Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 1055 Marginal Road, Halifax

Are you an employer looking to tap into a pool of skilled, educated and multilingual newcomers to Canada? Would you like to bring energy, creativity and new perspectives to your workplace? Come and meet a group of skilled immigrants at the Welcome Home to Canada showcase. These job ready newcomers are internationally educated and experienced in a variety of professions, sectors and industries. The Welcome Home to Canada program is supported by the R. Howard Webster Foundation and RBC Foundation and provides six-month paid work experiences to eligible newcomers. With support from government and corporate funders and through community partnerships, the program has benefitted over 200 newcomers since 2004. Please RSVP by Friday, October 18 to John Murray, Human Resource Manager, at

AI Second, Business Process First

In this 1-hour webinar, we'll show businesses how to use AI (Artificial Intelligence) to make their work smoother and more efficient. We'll start by examining current workflows to identify problems and inefficiencies. Then, we'll explore how AI can solve these issues with real-life examples and begin to streamline operations. 3 key takeaways.. Focus on Your Business Processes First: Know your current processes well before adding AI to ensure it's used effectively. Use AI for Automation: Learn to automate tasks with AI tools like ChatGPT and to save time and reduce costs See Real Improvements: Discover how optimized processes combined with AI can improve efficiency, customer service, and revenue for clear, measurable business growth. Meet your presenter.. With over 20 years in creativity and 10+ years in mindfulness, Melissa is an AI trainer who integrates her expertise in entrepreneurship, mindset, and creativity to embrace new technology for the greater good. As a facilitator for Fortune 500 companies, author, and award-winning designer, she inspires entrepreneurs to harness AI's potential for competitiveness and well-being, sharing real-life stories and training them to use AI confidently.