Events for November 15, 2023 – Digital Nova Scotia – Leading Digital Industry
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Atlantic Technology Summit 2023: The Future is now

Cineplex Cinemas Park Lane 5657 Spring Garden Rd, Halifax, NS B3J 3R4 5657 Spring Garden Rd, Halifax, NS B3J 3R4, Halifax

On November 15th, Atlantic Canada’s premier technology conference returns. The Atlantic Tech Summit will welcome technology leaders, industry disruptors and tech workers from across our 4 Atlantic provinces and beyond. Their theme this year is “The Future is now”. Join in person or online using their virtual event app, as the regions leaders share their insights and experiences from the past 12 months as well as their thoughts on what’s coming next. Meet and network with some of Canada’s top tech companies and fellow attendees both in person and online via their digital app. DNS Members can use Discount Code “DNS22” for 20% off!

Identity Security in a Digital Age: Evolutions, Challenges, and Future Prospects


The digital age has brought about unparalleled convenience, connectivity, and opportunities. Yet, it also presents complex challenges in the realm of identity management and cybersecurity. Traditional perimeter-based security models are increasingly obsolete in today's hybrid digital environments. The rise of cloud services, IoT devices, and mobile workforces necessitates a fresh approach to identity protection and management. The evolving landscape has seen a shift towards identity-centric security frameworks, where understanding "who" is accessing "what" becomes central. With data breaches becoming more sophisticated and targeted, the importance of ensuring the right people have the right access to the right resources has never been more pronounced. In this session, we will delve deep into the intricate world of identity protection and management: The Evolution of Identity in Business: Understand how digital identities have evolved from simple username-password combinations to multi-faceted profiles involving biometrics, behavioral patterns, and more. Trends and Threats: A deep dive into the latest trends in identity management, from self-sovereign identities to decentralized systems, and the associated threats like identity theft, impersonation, and man-in-the-middle attacks. Moving Beyond Perimeters: Explore how businesses are shifting from perimeter-based defenses to identity-centric security models, emphasizing continuous authentication and authorization. Strategies for Robust Identity Security and […]