Welcome to Demo Day 2020, presented by Dalhousie University!
The start-up teams have been hard at work over the last three months doing customer discovery, nailing down their value propositions, and working out the dollars and cents of how they will make money.
Now it is time for them to pitch to the public for a final prize of $5,000! There will also be a $2,500 People’s Choice Prize for the online voting round. Voting is open from August 31 to September 9- visit
here to vote!
Join the esteemed judges for an afternoon of networking and pitching.
Schedule of Events
2:30-3:00pm- Pre-Event Networking
3:00-4:00pm- Team Pitches
4:00-4:15pm- Break, Networking and Judges Deliberation
4:15-4:30pm Announce Winners
4:30-5:00pm- Post-Event Networking
Ready2Launch is financially supported by the Atlantic Canada Opportunity Agency (ACOA).