Halifax and Nova Scotia are experiencing record growth in population, GDP, new businesses starting up, and attracting university talent. With a provincial goal of doubling the population to two million people in the coming years, how do we begin to shift our goals and define the future of Nova Scotia?
The Halifax Chamber of Commerce is excited to announce our second Economic Forum.
The Forum will showcase a positive, realistic, and optimistic narrative of where Nova Scotia’s economy is heading and how best to navigate the pitfalls while capitalizing on the opportunities. The Forum will cover a broad range of topics related to Nova Scotia’s economy, including the most pressing issues impacting our current and future economic prosperity.
Join us on February 28 to discuss how governments and businesses need to react and respond to ensure they steward the economy in a way that maximizes the potential for all Nova Scotians.
Featuring topics including:
Wednesday, February 28
9:30am – 5:30pm
The Halifax Convention Centre
1650 Argyle St
Halifax, NS B3J 0E6
Member – $199 / $1,990 for table
Future Member – $229 / $2,290 for table
25% Discount for Not-for-profit / Students available upon registration
Contact Najah@halifaxchamber.com with any questions about registration.
**Please note: your registration gives the Halifax Chamber of Commerce permission to use the photographs taken during the event for any legal use.