Digital Nova Scotia TechQuity Award – Digital Nova Scotia – Leading Digital Industry

The Digital Nova Scotia TechQuity Award is an innovative educational award designed to support African Nova Scotian students pursuing undergraduate studies in the technology sector.

Application Info

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Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for this award candidates must meet all of the following criteria:

  • Student must be graduating from a Nova Scotia high school
  • Candidates must be accepted into an undergraduate program that is at least 1 year in length at a recognized Nova Scotia post-secondary institution
  • Students must be accepted and enrolled in a program listed in section 11 Computer and information sciences and support services of the current standard Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Canada.
  • Student is a member of an underserved community and/or underrepresented community in the digital sector.

Selection Criteria

Award winner(s) will be recommended by the Digital Nova Scotia Educational Award Committee based on:

  • Demonstrated interest in the technology sector
  • Description of how they feel they are eligible for the award as a member of an underserved community or underrepresented community in the digital sector

Selection Process

The selection of the scholarship recipient is to be made by the Digital Nova Scotia Educational Award Committee and/or those staff/volunteers designated by Digital Nova Scotia

Past Winners

Hamza Abawajy


Get to Know Hamza