Liam, April, & Lauren: Welcome To Digital Nova Scotia! – Digital Nova Scotia – Leading Digital Industry
Liam, April, & Lauren: Welcome To Digital Nova Scotia!

January 10, 2024

It’s that time of year again—we are pleased to welcome our Winter co-ops! We are so excited to welcome three students this term, who will be joining our projects and marketing teams. Up first to tell us a bit about themselves is our Project Coordinator Co-Op, Liam Segura

Share a bit about yourself, Liam!

My name is Liam Segura. I was raised in Fall River, Nova Scotia, moved to Ontario when I was young, and now I’ve moved all the way back to Halifax for university! I am enrolled at Dalhousie University in their commerce co-op program and I am currently in my second year.

The tech sector in Nova Scotia is thriving, what are you most looking forward to working in this industry?

Going into my first job working in the Nova Scotia tech industry I’m looking forward to learning the ins and outs of the industry as a whole and gaining a better understanding of how it works.

What’s your dream career? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

My dream career would be any job that makes me love going to work and makes a difference in other people’s lives. I would like to have a career where I am working towards making a good impact on the world. 

In five to ten years I see myself most likely working at a place much like Digital Nova Scotia where I feel like I’m working on projects that are impactful and important.

Where would you want it to be if you were given a plane ticket to anywhere in the world?

I am very fortunate to have traveled to many places at such a young age so If I were given a plane ticket to go anywhere in the world I would love to be able to see Antarctica.

Quick hitters!

Spring or fall? – Fall

Android or iPhone? – iPhone

Comedy or thriller? – Comedy

Coffee or tea? – Tea

Star Wars or Star Trek? – Star Wars

Laptop or Desktop? – Desktop 

Breakfast or Dinner? – Dinner

Ocean or lake? – Ocean

Fun fact? – I have an 8-month-old British Shorthair cat named Rudy who is amazing.

Share a bit about yourself, April!

My name is April Picketts and I am from Toronto, Ontario. I am a Commerce student at Dalhousie University in my second year. I am beyond grateful to be able to pursue my post-secondary education beside the ocean and in the beautiful city of Halifax. In past roles, I have worked closely with small business owners and have learned and observed the importance of an online presence and how higher rates of success is achieved by adopting a digital presence.  In my spare time, I enjoy being outside, whether it be on skis or a walk down to the boardwalk. 

The tech sector in Nova Scotia is thriving, what are you most looking forward to working in this industry?

With the constant evolution of technology, I am eager to work towards improving the adaptation of online storefronts for businesses across Nova Scotia. With proper tools provided, small businesses across Nova Scotia can reach a larger customer base through the use of proper digital software. As the tech sector in Nova Scotia continues to thrive, I am most excited to see the impact it will have on businesses across the province. 

What’s your dream career? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

As of now, my dream career would be in the realm of marketing and consulting. I dream of traveling the world, meeting business owners and offering specially designed services and software to help improve their online storefront in a manner that effectively rewards them and their target customer base. However, as of now I am still open to being a professional elephant hugger. 

Where would you want it to be if you were given a plane ticket to anywhere in the world?

If this opportunity presented itself, I would travel to the Swiss Alps; so I could ski all the time and eat fabulous chocolate!

Quick hitters!

Spring or fall? – Fall!

Android or iPhone? – iPhone

Comedy or thriller? – Comedy, I wouldn’t be able to get through a thriller movie if my life depended on it. 

Coffee or tea? – Tea, but I love both!

Star Wars or Star Trek? – …Star Wars

Laptop or Desktop? – Laptop  

Breakfast or Dinner? – Breakfast

Ocean or lake? – Ocean!

Fun fact? I have experience hand modeling! 

Share a bit about yourself, Lauren!

My name is Lauren Yellan, I was born and raised in Ontario. When Covid hit in 2020, I was 15 and while many of my peers had started their first jobs the pandemic presented obstacles to gaining that initial work experience. Rather than waiting, I took the initiative and started selling my old clothes online. That expanded into selling my old jewelry and eventually, I was crafting my own pieces. After a successful year with over 2000 orders on Depop, I decided to create my own website. Launching my site in 2021 made me realize I needed an effective way to spread the word. TikTok was the most popular app at the time, so I created an account. Within a few months, I had my first viral video hitting half a million views in hours. That’s when I fell in love with every part of marketing and running a business. From customer interactions to creating personalized packages Dueljewelss was my entry into the marketing world, and I’ve been hooked ever since! 

The tech sector in Nova Scotia is thriving, what are you most looking forward to working in this industry?

I am most looking forward to expanding my knowledge within the industry. Coming from a non-tech background and with very minimal knowledge or experience the nuance of it all excites me. I am looking forward to learning more about the technological advancements of AI and what the future of tech looks like for Nova Scotia. 

What’s your dream career? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

My dream career involves becoming a business owner. I would love to own a unique ear styling and piercing studio. In this space, people would come in and grant me with creative freedom or a vision to style their ear piercings or add more! My goal in the next 5-10 years is to secure a position in the marketing industry. By that time I would have completed 3 co-op experiences, I aim to gain valuable insight throughout my time at all three, helping me refine my career trajectory within the marketing field. 

Where would you want it to be if you were given a plane ticket to anywhere in the world?

If I was given a plane ticket anywhere in the world I would be in Bora Bora right now. Specifically on a beach where you can swim with pigs!

Quick Hitters   

  • Spring or fall? – Fall
  • Android or iPhone? – iPhone
  • Comedy or thriller? – Thriller
  • Coffee or tea? – Coffee
  • Star Wars or Star Trek? – Never watched!!
  • Laptop or Desktop? – Laptop  
  • Breakfast or Dinner? – Dinner 
  • Ocean or lake? – Ocean!
  • Fun fact? – I used to have pet frogs and definitely plan to get more in the future!