July 24, 2023
It can be hard to know whether you’re doing too much or not enough when it comes to branding your business, but Amy Harrison, owner of Pixels & Pieces, encourages her clients to “keep things simple.”
“There’s a lot of noise out there and clear communication always wins,” she said.
Harrison launched Pixels & Pieces four years ago, a company that offers branding consulting, website design services, logo fixes, and DIY design courses.
“I’ve got a great course available now about how to pick your own brand colours. It starts by helping make a match between the emotions you want people to feel about your company and the colors that portray those emotions,” said Harrison, adding participants also learn about how to set up their colours in Canva and Google.
Right now, Pixels & Pieces is also partnering with Staples to offer a summer series on how to use Canva’s easy drag-and-drop editor.
“I’m teaching folks how to design certain items, like posters or business cards, and then Staples is giving a discount on printing those things. It’s a great partnership!,” she said.
Logos are often the first impression people get of your business, and Harrison knows that first impressions can come from anywhere— and can make or break your business. That’s why she says your logo needs to communicate what your business does and your company values, ‘no more, no less.’
“If you’ve got elements in there without a purpose, take them out. Fonts and colours communicate certain things in certain contexts and you need to make an accurate match in those areas,” she said. “Avoid trends, especially if they threaten readability or your ability to work with your brand consistently.”
With more than 20 years experience in graphic design, Harrison says the most valuable lesson she’s learned is to ‘go with your gut.’
“In terms of potential clients, design choices and business decisions, your instincts are usually right,” she said.
For more branding expertise or to find out how Pixels & Pieces can level up your business, head to their website. And if you’re interested in attending the how-to design summer webinars with Staples, you can register here.