April 8, 2021
We are honoured to announce that Jenn Priske, senior executive at REDspace, the chair of the board of directors for Digital Nova Scotia and a member of the program advisory committee for Techsploration has been selected to be one of the council members for Nova Scotia’s new Economic Growth Council.
Premier Iain Rankin announced during his state of the province address to the Halifax Chamber of Commerce today, April 7 the creation of the Economic Growth Council, an advisory body with a mandate to position the province for economic success and grow the economy as Nova Scotia emerges from the pandemic.
Scott Brison, who served as the Kings-Hants member of Parliament for 22 years, Treasury Board president and now chancellor of Dalhousie University, will lead the 10-member council, which will focus its efforts on making Nova Scotia Canada’s start-up capital. “I’m thrilled that Scott has accepted to lead the council. This is important work for our province,” said Premier Rankin. “The council is designed to serve as a resource to me and government, informing policy options and providing advice on how to attract capital into our province. We need to ensure we maximize our ability to help our companies expand and do all we can to encourage investment.”
The advisory council members reflect the diversity of Nova Scotia. They represent every region of the province and come from a cross-section of economic sectors. Their advice is crucial to ensuring government enhances the well-being of all Nova Scotians while propelling innovation and attracting smart investment. The Economic Growth Council is an independent, voluntary advisory group that will be supported by the Office of Strategy Management