Quantum Computing-as-a-Service Challenge OPEN – Digital Nova Scotia – Leading Digital Industry
Quantum Computing-as-a-Service Challenge OPEN

November 10, 2020

Shared Services Canada (SSC) is seeking a user-friendly solution for using Quantum Computing-as-a-Service (QCaaS) to optimize complex problem solving, yielding possible solutions for use in evidence-based decision-making.

The Challenge

SSC is embracing the use of Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning (AI/ML) and exploratory data-science in support of evidence-based decision-making, using massive volumes and increasing velocities of data. Some of these AI/ML approaches may be sped up using Quantum Computing (QC).

QC needs to be accessible to non-experts in various domains (see Background and Context section). For example, it should be ubiquitously accessible and usable by anyone who can ask “what if” optimization-type questions and explore potential scenarios using typical non-QC software either on a desktop or mobile computing interface providing QCaaS.

The “what if” question, potential scenario and data must be translated from the user’s domain (concepts, terminology, and notations) into a form suitable for simulation or optimization using QC algorithms. Analysis results are returned to the computing interface for further exploration, visualization or processing and provide the user the ability to seamlessly revise parameters of their analysis request and re-submit it. Accommodating all possible domains is unrealistic, therefore solutions will be limited to the most pressing and complex problem domains (see Background and Context section) currently facing government and the private sector.


Solution proposals can only be submitted by a small business that meets all of the following criteria:

  • for profit
  • incorporated in Canada (federally or provincially)
  • 499 or fewer full-time equivalent (FTE) employeesFootnote*
  • research and development activities that take place in Canada
  • 50% or more of its annual wages, salaries and fees are currently paid to employees and contractors who spend the majority of their time working in CanadaFootnote*
  • 50% or more of its FTE employees have Canada as their ordinary place of workFootnote*
  • 50% or more of its senior executives (Vice President and above) have Canada as their principal residence

Challenge sponsor: Shared Services Canada (SSC)

Closing date: December 15, 2020, 14:00 Eastern Standard Time

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