September 8, 2020
We are thrilled to welcome our new Communications Coordinator, Isaac Cook to the team! Isaac is a co-op student from Saint Mary’s University joining us for the fall term.
Tell us about yourself.
I am a fourth-year student at Saint Mary’s University double majoring in Linguistics and Criminology and I will be graduating in January 2021! I have worked within various industries, such as Education, Marketing and Hospitality but have a passion for communications and STEM. I strongly believe and promote the idea that science is only effective if it is communicated. I love to learn new things, meet new people and being creative. Outside of my professional work, I volunteer my time with PFlag, an organization dedicated to providing support to LGBTQ+ youth and their families.
Isaac, can you tell us something about yourself that isn’t in your bio?
I love Excel Spreadsheets; I use it as much as possible for both my professional and personal work (My partner finds my enjoyment a bit ‘concerning’). I am in no shape or form an expert, but I know most of the important formulas to get the job done!
What do you love most about your program at university?
I have always been extremely passionate about Social Sciences- and when you look at it face value ‘Linguistics and Criminology’ have no correlation to my career in communications however I beg to differ. Data Analysis, creative writing, strong communication and public relations skills are all skill that makes a good Social Scientist. I love the challenge that comes with being a social scientist especially working alongside natural scientists.
The tech sector in Nova Scotia is thriving, what are you most looking forward to about working in this industry?
I have had the opportunity to work with some fabulous start-up science companies over the past few years and I am eager to gain more experience in the ‘T’ sector of STEM! I am excited to explore and to help bring awareness to the tech industry within Nova Scotia since we far too often are overlooked by the larger businesses in central and western Canada.
So, it’s your first day, what do you hope to accomplish while you’re with us?
I hope to expand my knowledge of the Nova Scotian tech sector and have the honour of being able to contribute to Digital Nova Scotia’s growth and success.
What’s something you’re really interested in that might surprise us?
I am a huge animal lover and aquarist! When I am not working I am spending time with my black cat Kiwi, Keeshond Aspen, and tending to my freshwater shrimp. In the past however, I have owned saltwater fish, ball pythons and even a boa constrictor!
If you were given a plane ticket to anywhere in the world, where would you want it to be?
Iceland, 100%. I have been fortunate to have traveled all over the world in the past, but Iceland has always been high on my bucket list. I find the Icelandic language extremely fascinating, and they have some of the most gorgeous scenery!
Quick hitters!
Spring or fall? Fall
Android or iPhone? iPhone
Comedy or thriller? Comedy
Coffee or tea? Tea
Star Wars or Star Trek? Star Wars
Laptop or desktop? Laptop
Breakfast or dinner? Dinner
Ocean or lake? Ocean