Funding Opportunities For Canadian Innovators Who Can Help Fight the COVID-19 Pandemic – Digital Nova Scotia – Leading Digital Industry
Funding Opportunities For Canadian Innovators Who Can Help Fight the COVID-19 Pandemic

April 6, 2020


Challenge Stream COVID-19

  • This stream seeks to develop novel solutions to combat COVID-19
  • Funding amounts to support COVID-19 challenges:
    • receive up to $300K to develop a proof of feasibility in Phase 1
    • receive up to $2M to build a prototype in Phase 2
  • Once successfully developed, innovators participating in COVID-19 challenges may be eligible to sell their solution to government directly.
  • Proposals from companies to develop technologies and services must fall within TRLs 1-6. Please consult the TRLs definitions.

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COVID-19 challenge – Low-cost sensor system for COVID-19 patient monitoring

Covid-Innovation LogoNRC is seeking a low cost system (unit cost <$25) that can continuously measure temperature, peripheral capillary oxygen saturation (SpO2), blood pressure (BP), pulse and respiration rates, and transmit this information wirelessly to a base station for COVID-19 patient monitoring in locales including ERs, general wards, communities and homes.

Challenge sponsor: National Research Council of Canada (NRC)

Funding Mechanism: Grant

Opening date: April 5, 2020
Closing date: April 20, 2020, 14:00 Eastern Daylight Time

Full Details

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Innovation LogoCOVID-19 Challenge – Point of Care and Home Diagnostic Kit for COVID-19

The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) and National Research Council (NRC) are seeking a solution that will diagnose individuals affected by COVID-19 within 3 days of the start of their symptoms using a sample, other than a nasopharyngeal swab, with a rapid single-use home testing kit analogous to a home pregnancy test.

Challenge Sponsor: Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) and the National Research Council of Canada (NRC)

Funding Mechanism: Grant

Opening date: April 5, 2020
Closing date: April 20, 2020, 14:00 Eastern Daylight Time

Full Details

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